Search results for: “social causes”

  • Fraud

    Introduction to Fraud Fraud, in law, general term for any instance in which one party deceives or takes unfair advantage of another. Any means used by one person to deceive another may be defined as fraud. For example, if a person represents himself or herself as the agent of a business with […]

  • Fraud

    Introduction to Fraud Fraud, in law, general term for any instance in which one party deceives or takes unfair advantage of another. Any means used by one person to deceive another may be defined as fraud. For example, if a person represents himself or herself as the agent of a business with […]

  • Euthanasia

    Introduction to EuthanasiaEuthanasia, practice of mercifully ending a person's life in order to release the person from an incurable disease, intolerable suffering, or undignified death. The word euthanasia derives from the Greek for "good death" and originally referred to int…

  • Euthanasia

    Introduction to EuthanasiaEuthanasia, practice of mercifully ending a person's life in order to release the person from an incurable disease, intolerable suffering, or undignified death. The word euthanasia derives from the Greek for "good death" and originally referred to int…

  • Inter-Organizational Relations

    Inter-Organizational Relations Researchers began to engage in the study of inter-organizational relations later than their colleagues in neighboring disciplines such as sociology and economics. A further consolidation of the study of inter-organizational relations is expected to be achieved, including for the broader philosophical or socio-theoretical assumptions and for the political and societal implications of these…

  • International Monetary Regulation

    International Monetary Regulation Resources See Also Foreign Policy Foreign Affairs International Relations Further Reading Adler, E., & Haas, P. (1992). Conclusion: Epistemic communities, world order, and the creation of a reflexive research program. International Organization, 46(1), 367–390. Andrews, D. (1994). Capital mobility and state autonomy. International Studies Quarterly, 38(2), 193–218. Axelrod, R. (1984). The evolution…


    VALUES A value is a normative proposition; it meets a need that seeks to satisfy or that finds its meaning in a universal truth, accepted by the subject. At the same time, it is made up either of an object of particular importance for the subject agent or of a higher truth; it has a…

  • Hashish

    Hashish or Indian hemp Note: see the entry on Legality of cannabis Hashish: THE GENEVA CONFERENCES In 1923 the South African Government sent to the League of Nations the suggestion that hashish should be treated as a habit-forming narcotic drug and brought within the scope of The Hague Convention. The Advisory Committee considered the matter…

  • Interdependence

    Interdependence Interdependence in International Organization and Global Governance International Integration Interdependence thinking is part of international integration theories, including: mutual dependence, patterned relationships, interlocking relationships and division of labor. Transnational Relations To break with state-centric explanations of world politics, Keohane and Nye (1972) stressed the importance of “new kinds of bargaining coalitions and alliances being…

  • Divorce in Classical Muslim Jurisprudence

    Divorce in classical Muslim jurisprudence Muslim laws do not create ‘chained women’, and therefore the solution to the problems currently facing British Muslim women in divorce is not the same as for women from the Jewish community. The Divorce (Religious Marriages) Act 2002 amended the main law on marriage in England & Wales, the Matrimonial…

  • Classification of Nationalism

    Classification of Nationalism Some Views Nationalism is an enormous subject. […] Below are listed the varieties of nationalism now flourishing among English intellectuals, with such comments as seem to be needed. It is convenient to use three headings, Positive, Transferred, and Negative, though some varieties will fit into more than one category: Positive Nationalism Neo-toryism…

  • Magna Carta

    Legal Materials Pictures and translations of the Magna Carta are posted on the Internet by the National Archives and Records Administration and the British Library. You'll find a print copy in the American Jurisprudence 2d Deskbook. Abstract The Magna Carta (literally, the […]

  • Accident

    Accident, unintended and unforeseen event, usually resulting in personal injury or property damage. In law, the term is usually limited to events not involving negligence, that is, the carelessness or misconduct of a party involved, or to a loss caused by lightning, floods, or other natural […]

  • Broadcasting Forforeign Muslims Audiences

    Broadcasting Forforeign Muslims Audiences in 2016 Four of the five broadcast entities under the supervision of the BBG provided programming for countries with large Muslim populations in 2016: the Voice of America (VOA), the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV, Radio Sawa, and Afia […]

  • Broadcasting Forforeign Muslims Audiences

    Broadcasting Forforeign Muslims Audiences in 2016 Four of the five broadcast entities under the supervision of the BBG provided programming for countries with large Muslim populations in 2016: the Voice of America (VOA), the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV, Radio Sawa, and Afia […]