Search results for: “protection of privacy”

  • Abortion

    The Legal History of Abortion in Hindu Law This section provides an overview of Abortion in Hindu Law In relation to the abortion and constitutional law, Radhika Rao[1] made the following observation: Abortion is commonly defined as the intentional termination of pregnancy with reasonable […]

  • Medicine

    Antimalarial Measures, Fevers Treated With Antimalarial Drugs (in the Human Development Area) In this context, Medicine means: the percentage of children under age five who were ill with fever in the two weeks before the survey and received antimalarial drugs. Antimalarial Measures, Use of […]

  • Administrative Law

    Introduction Administrative law deals with the exercise of public power and the control of government decisions. Topics in administrative law include the role of the State, the governmental structures that influence the administrative law system, the principles of good administration, the […]

  • Administrative Law

    Introduction Administrative law deals with the exercise of public power and the control of government decisions. Topics in administrative law include the role of the State, the governmental structures that influence the administrative law system, the principles of good administration, the […]

  • Tourism

    Application of Geospatial Mashups in Web Gis for Tourism Development, the Law and other Social Sciences This paper examines current development in Web GIS with the implementation of Geospatial Mashup technologies, such as Google Map in the context of map Mashups, and presents a classification […]

  • Social Policy

    Social Policy (in the Human Development Area) In this context, Social Policy means: legislative, institutional, budgetary support to achieve objectives in the field of human welfare, to protect the interests of socially vulnerable layers of such socially important areas as health, education, […]

  • Social Policy

    Social Policy (in the Human Development Area) In this context, Social Policy means: legislative, institutional, budgetary support to achieve objectives in the field of human welfare, to protect the interests of socially vulnerable layers of such socially important areas as health, education, […]

  • Censorship

    Introduction Censorship, supervision and control of the information and ideas that are circulated among the people within a society. In modern times, censorship refers to the examination of books, periodicals, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other […]

  • Common Law

    Introduction to Common Law "Common Law, term used to refer to the main body of English unwritten law that evolved from the 12th century onward. The name comes from the idea that English medieval law, as administered by the courts of the realm, reflected the "common"customs of […]

  • Common Law

    Introduction to Common Law "Common Law, term used to refer to the main body of English unwritten law that evolved from the 12th century onward. The name comes from the idea that English medieval law, as administered by the courts of the realm, reflected the "common"customs of […]

  • Piracy

    See Transnational crime . The first precise attempt to codify piracy was in 1958 when the Convention on the High Seas was adopted in order to clarify the legal status of pirates and the competence to arrest pirates. These articles in the Convention on the High Seas have been incorporated into […]

  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights

    Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHPR) This entry includes background information and links to the American Convention on Human Rights, the Statute of the court, the Rules of Procedure, and decisions and judgments. Description In a manner similar to the European Court of Human Rights […]

  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights

    Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHPR) This entry includes background information and links to the American Convention on Human Rights, the Statute of the court, the Rules of Procedure, and decisions and judgments. Description In a manner similar to the European Court of Human Rights […]

  • Nuisance

    A condition, activity, or situation that interferes with the use or enjoyment of property. Anything done by one which annoys or disturbs another in the free use, possession, or enjoyment of his property, or which renders its ordinary use or occupation physically uncomfortable. The law has […]

  • Human Rights

    Introduction to Human Rights "Since World War II international law has become increasingly concerned with the protection of human rights. It has provided improved procedures for that purpose within the UN. This new emphasis has also been manifested in the adoption by the UN of the […]