Search results for: “industrialized countries”

  • Duty

    A tax imposed by governmental authority on goods imported. The amount of the duty imposed on any given article is prescribed in the nation's […]

  • North-South Dialogue

    Various discussions and negotiating sessions between the industrialized (North) and developing (South) countries directed toward a restructuring of the global economy. See New International Economic Order….

  • Evolution of Dependency Perspectives

    Dependency Theory Evolution of Dependency PerspectivesIntroduction to Evolution of Dependency PerspectivesThe impressive rise of the newly industrializing countries of Latin America and East Asia since the 1960s defied the bleak prognosis of dependency theorists. Both Mexico and Br…

  • Early Perspectives on Dependence

    Dependency Theory Early Perspectives on DependenceIntroduction to Early Perspectives on DependenceUntil the 1960s, the prevailing theory of economic development, known as modernization theory, maintained that industrialization, the introduction of mass media, and the diffusion of W…

  • Modern Cities

    Modern CitiesA notable trend of the 19th and 20th centuries has been the constant growth of urban communities at the expense of rural districts. City populations represent an increasing proportion of the total national populations not only in highly industrialized nations but also in agrari…

  • Brandt Commission

    A group of eighteen prominent individuals from five continents, formed to explore economic relationships between industrial and developing nations and to recommend changes in those relationships with the object of accelerating development in poorer countries. Established as an unofficial working par…

  • Capital Punishment Current Status

    Capital Punishment World Trends Current StatusBy the early 21st century, for the first time in history, most of the world's nations had abolished the death penalty in law or in practice-that is, executions were not carried out or a moratorium was imposed on the death penalty so that cap…

  • Commonwealth Preference

    Special preferential rates of duty applied by member states of the British Commonwealth on merchandise imported from other Commonwealth countries. In many cases, duties among Commonwealth members were totally abolished. The accession of Britain into the European Com-munities, coupled with the adopt…

  • Capital Punishment Development

    Capital Punishment Development For most of recorded history, capital punishment was available to every government for especially serious crimes and often for a great variety of less serious offenses. The term felony, which today signifies all serious crime, was the traditional classification in England for crimes punishable by death. Since the 18th century, the long-term…

  • List of Legal Databases

    List of Legal Databases Databases A-Z List 19th Century Masterfile Publisher of this legal database: Paratext Coverage +/- : 1786 – 1937Contains numerous indexes, some with links to full-text. Use article finder or one of the other options (Google Book Search, Hathi trust) to locate full-text of citations, online or in print, or request via…

  • Constitutional Text: Brazil Constitution of 1988

    Constitutional Text: Brazil Constitution of 1988 CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL OCTOBER 5, 1988 Preamble We, the representatives of the Brazilian People, convened in the National Constituent Assembly to institute a democratic state for the purpose of ensuring the exercise of social and individual rights, liberty, security, well-being, development, equality and justice as…