Search results for: “forms”

  • Copyright

    Introduction to Copyright Copyright, branch of law granting authors the exclusive privilege to reproduce, distribute, perform, or display their creative works. The goal of copyright law is to encourage authors to invest effort in creating new works of art and literature. Copyright is one […]

  • Refugee

    Who Becomes a Refugee? Introduction to Refugee People leave their home countries for many reasons. Sometimes they are fleeing poverty, or they hope to find a better life in another place. People who migrate for economic reasons, however, are not considered refugees. Yet economic migrants […]

  • Refugee

    Who Becomes a Refugee? Introduction to Refugee People leave their home countries for many reasons. Sometimes they are fleeing poverty, or they hope to find a better life in another place. People who migrate for economic reasons, however, are not considered refugees. Yet economic migrants […]

  • Social Work

    Social Work Definition Social Work may be defined as a professional activity aimed generally at enriching and enhancing individual and group development or at alleviating adverse social and economic conditions. See more about social work in the legal dictionary. Its practitioners work to […]

  • Social Work

    Social Work Definition Social Work may be defined as a professional activity aimed generally at enriching and enhancing individual and group development or at alleviating adverse social and economic conditions. See more about social work in the legal dictionary. Its practitioners work to […]

  • Minister

    From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Minister (1): A minister is one who acts as, or performs some of the functions of, a clergyman.55 Resources Notes and References Charles M. Scanlan, The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law. The Law of Church and Grave (1909), Benziger […]

  • Minister

    From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Minister (1): A minister is one who acts as, or performs some of the functions of, a clergyman.55 Resources Notes and References Charles M. Scanlan, The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law. The Law of Church and Grave (1909), Benziger […]

  • Socialism

    Socialist Law The inclusion of "Socialist law", in the past, was unavoidable in certain legal classifications. Marxist-Leninist thought still plays a sometimes significant role in the legal organization of certain countries. The criterion which governed the creation of a category […]

  • Socialism

    Socialist Law The inclusion of "Socialist law", in the past, was unavoidable in certain legal classifications. Marxist-Leninist thought still plays a sometimes significant role in the legal organization of certain countries. The criterion which governed the creation of a category […]

  • Legal System

    International Legal System Scholars and judicial decisions have characterized the international legal system as a system of equal and sovereign nation states whose actions are limited only by rules freely accepted as legally binding. [1] Brierly defines international law as ‘the body […]

  • Legal System

    International Legal System Scholars and judicial decisions have characterized the international legal system as a system of equal and sovereign nation states whose actions are limited only by rules freely accepted as legally binding. [1] Brierly defines international law as ‘the body […]

  • International Affairs

    International Affairs in the CEDAW Article 8 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) stipulates, in relation to International Affairs, that all countries are required to ensure women the equal opportunity to represent their governments at the […]

  • International Affairs

    International Affairs in the CEDAW Article 8 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) stipulates, in relation to International Affairs, that all countries are required to ensure women the equal opportunity to represent their governments at the […]

  • Migration

    Migration Definition Migration may be defined as the movement of people, especially of whole groups, from one place, region, or country to another, particularly with the intention of making permanent settlement in a new location. See more definitions about migration in the law dictionary. […]

  • Migration

    Migration Definition Migration may be defined as the movement of people, especially of whole groups, from one place, region, or country to another, particularly with the intention of making permanent settlement in a new location. See more definitions about migration in the law dictionary. […]