Search results for: “history of courts”

  • European Convention on Human Rights

    Introduction The European Convention on Human Rights was a reaction against the horrific abuses of human rights that took place before and during the Second World War, followed by further abuses occurring within the newly formed Communist block. These led, in 1949, due in part to the […]

  • Rule of Law

    Rule of law Definition Rule of law means that any act of the government must be done through laws, that no one is above the law. However this principle has many controversial aspects, the core of it requires that fair laws should apply to all persons in a given jurisdiction. It also means […]

  • Rule of Law

    Rule of law Definition Rule of law means that any act of the government must be done through laws, that no one is above the law. However this principle has many controversial aspects, the core of it requires that fair laws should apply to all persons in a given jurisdiction. It also means […]

  • Regionalism

    Embracing mainstream international law, this section on regionalism explores the context, history and effect of the area of the law covered here. Regionalism and Europe There is an entry on regionalism in the European legal encyclopedia. Resources See Also Further Reading Entry […]

  • Executive Power

    The Legal History of Executive Power This section provides an overview of Executive Power in an historical perspective. Absence of Any Executive Power Lassa Oppenheim, in the book entitled The Future of International Law, about Absence of Any Executive Power, wrote in 1921: This […]

  • Tax Law

    Other Popular Tax Definitions in the World Legal Encyclopedia Adjusted Gross Income (sometimes, including Tax Law) Ad Valorem Tax (sometimes, including Tax Law) Alternative Minimum Tax (sometimes, including Tax Law) Big Four (audit firms) (sometimes, including Tax Law) Black Market […]

  • Tax Law

    Other Popular Tax Definitions in the World Legal Encyclopedia Adjusted Gross Income (sometimes, including Tax Law) Ad Valorem Tax (sometimes, including Tax Law) Alternative Minimum Tax (sometimes, including Tax Law) Big Four (audit firms) (sometimes, including Tax Law) Black Market […]

  • Imprisonment

    Purposes of ImprisonmentIntroduction to ImprisonmentImprisonment serves several universal functions, including the protection of society, the prevention of crime, retribution (revenge) against criminals, and the rehabilitation of inmates. Additional goals of imprisonment may includ…

  • UN Security Council

    UN Security Council The Council is composed of fifteen member states, five of them permanent members and specified by name in the Charter. These are the United States, Russia (replacing the Soviet Union in 1991), China, the United Kingdom, and France. The rest are elected for two-year terms […]

  • International Law

    International Law consists of the rules and principles of general application dealing with the conduct of States and of international organizations in their international relations with one another and with private individuals, minority groups and transnational companies. Legal Issues […]

  • Church

    The Legal History of Church and State in United States Law This section provides an overview of Church and State in United States Law Church, Religious Society From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Church, Religious Society (1): A church in one sense is more limited than a […]

  • Central Government

    Sphere of Government The action of the state, or sovereign power, or government in a civilized community shapes itself into the threefold functions of legislation, judicature and administration. The two first are perfectly well-defined, and the last includes all the kinds of state action not […]

  • Sudan

    The Legal History of Sudan This section provides an overview of Sudan Sudan in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): During 2011, the United States continued its bilateral and multilateral initiatives to […]

  • Sudan

    The Legal History of Sudan This section provides an overview of Sudan Sudan in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): During 2011, the United States continued its bilateral and multilateral initiatives to […]

  • Criminology

    Introduction to Criminology According to Encarta, "Criminology, the scientific study of criminals and criminal behavior. Criminologists attempt to build theories that explain why crimes occur and test those theories by observing behavior. Criminological theories help shape society's […]