Search results for: “drawing up of the budget”

  • Constitutional Text: Austria 1945, Amendments 1986,1987,1988,1990, 1992 and 1993

    Constitutional Text: Amendments of 1986,1987,1988,1990, 1992 and 1993 to the Austria Constitution of 1945 1986 AMENDMENT TO AUSTRIA’S CONSTITUTION OF 1945 APRIL 24, 1986 212. Federal constitutional law of April 4, 1986, amending the federal constitutional law of 1929 (amendment to the federal constitutional law 1986) The National Assembly has decided: Article I. The federal…

  • Constitutional Text: Argentina 1994

    CONSTITUTION OF THE ARGENTINE NATION AUGUST 22ND, 1994 We, the representatives of the people of the Argentine Nation, gathered in General Constituent Assembly by the will and election of the Provinces which compose it, in fulfillment of pre-existing pacts, in order to form a national union, guarantee justice, secure domestic peace, provide for the common…

  • Constitutional Text: Algeria 1963, Amended 2002

    CONSTITUTION OF THE PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA SEPTEMBER 10, 1963, AS AMENDED TO APRIL 10, 2002 Preamble The Algerian people are a free people, and decided to remain so. Its history is a long series of struggles that always made Algeria a land of freedom and dignity. Being at the heart of great events…

  • Outline of International art and cultural heritage law

    Outline of International art and cultural heritage law POLICY IS VERY IMPORTANT: – What is at stake? – What is the big picture? – How will this affect the artist? The public? – What are the ramifications? I. What is Art? A. Difficult question to answer – There must be an original expression art does…

  • Outline of Evidence

    Note: this entry is based in United States law I. Burdens and Presumptions a. Burden of Proof i. Burden of pleading 1. You have to plead a claim, to state a claim for which relief can be granted ii. Burden of production 1. Must introduce evidence to support your claim in your pleading iii. Burden…

  • United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 5

    United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification   Article 21 Financial mechanisms 1. The Conference of the Parties shall promote the availability of financial mechanisms and shall encourage such mechanisms to seek to maximize the availability of funding for affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa, to implement the Convention. To this end, the Conference…

  • Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe

    Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe   Definition Of The Architectural Heritage Article 1 For the purposes of this Convention, the expression “architectural heritage”shall be considered to comprise the following permanent properties: 1. Monuments: all buildings and structures of conspicuous historical, archaeological, artistic, scientific, social or technical interest, including their fixtures…

  • Top 25.000 English words

    Which are the top 25.000 most popular English words? According to a review from Lawi, these are the 25.000 most popular English words, in order: you the i to a and it of that in is me what this for my on your we have do no don’t are be i’m not was he it’s…

  • Networks 5

    EuroCollectNetLawyers Region: Europe Members: 23 An association of European law firms offering a comprehensive cost-effective service for the collection of debt throughout Europe. Accessible either directly or via your local ECN-Lawyer. Members commit themselves to observe the following fundamentals for quality assurance in contact with clients and with each other: 1) the members will cooperate…