Search results for: “absolute majority”

  • Divorce in Classical Muslim Jurisprudence

    Divorce in classical Muslim jurisprudence Muslim laws do not create ‘chained women’, and therefore the solution to the problems currently facing British Muslim women in divorce is not the same as for women from the Jewish community. The Divorce (Religious Marriages) Act 2002 amended the main law on marriage in England & Wales, the Matrimonial…

  • Classification of Nationalism

    Classification of Nationalism Some Views Nationalism is an enormous subject. […] Below are listed the varieties of nationalism now flourishing among English intellectuals, with such comments as seem to be needed. It is convenient to use three headings, Positive, Transferred, and Negative, though some varieties will fit into more than one category: Positive Nationalism Neo-toryism…

  • Forms of Government

    Summary Overview Governments are organized in a variety of forms. This entry covers the different ways of classifying these forms: according to the geographic distribution of power, the relationship between legislative and executive branches, and the number of persons who can participate in […]

  • Forms of Government

    Summary Overview Governments are organized in a variety of forms. This entry covers the different ways of classifying these forms: according to the geographic distribution of power, the relationship between legislative and executive branches, and the number of persons who can participate in […]

  • Immunity of the United Nations

    The United Nations: Background Note The name "United Nations" was devised by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was first used in the "Declaration by United Nations" of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged […]

  • Immunity of the United Nations

    The United Nations: Background Note The name "United Nations" was devised by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was first used in the "Declaration by United Nations" of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged […]

  • Magna Carta

    Legal Materials Pictures and translations of the Magna Carta are posted on the Internet by the National Archives and Records Administration and the British Library. You'll find a print copy in the American Jurisprudence 2d Deskbook. Abstract The Magna Carta (literally, the […]

  • Verdict

    Trial Trial by Jury The Verdict Introduction to Verdict In the United States At the conclusion of the charge, the jury retires from the courtroom to decide on its verdict. The verdict of a jury terminates the trial. In a case tried before a judge sitting alone, the decision of the judge […]

  • Family of Nations

    The Family of Nations is a Society Ruled by Law Although it Does Not as Yet Possess Special Organs Lassa Oppenheim, in the book entitled The Future of International Law, about The Family of Nations is a Society Ruled by Law Although it Does Not as Yet Possess Special Organs, wrote in 1921: 15. […]

  • Family of Nations

    The Family of Nations is a Society Ruled by Law Although it Does Not as Yet Possess Special Organs Lassa Oppenheim, in the book entitled The Future of International Law, about The Family of Nations is a Society Ruled by Law Although it Does Not as Yet Possess Special Organs, wrote in 1921: 15. […]

  • Dictionary of Law consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims

    Dictionary of Law consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims Full Title A Dictionary of Law, Consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims and an Exposition of the Principles of Law: Comprising a Dictionary and Compendium of American and English Jurisprudence Details Author: William C. Anderson (United…

  • Law Applicable to Products Liability

    Law Applicable to Products Liability In the Convention on Law Applicable to Products Liability Article 4 This is the first of the key articles in the Convention that are concerned with the choice of the applicable law. Under this article, the applicable law is the internal law of the State of the place of injury,…

  • Law Applicable to Products Liability

    Law Applicable to Products Liability In the Convention on Law Applicable to Products Liability Article 4 This is the first of the key articles in the Convention that are concerned with the choice of the applicable law. Under this article, the applicable law is the internal law of the State of the place of injury,…

  • Sunnah

    The Sunnah: Practice and Law (shari’ah) Islamic Practice The bare minimum that a Muslim must do and believe in order to rest assured of his or her salvation is quite simple, although the faith and practice of many Muslims may often be complex and elaborate, reminding students of the detailed and scrupulous observance of Rabbinic…

  • Sunnah

    The Sunnah: Practice and Law (shari’ah) Islamic Practice The bare minimum that a Muslim must do and believe in order to rest assured of his or her salvation is quite simple, although the faith and practice of many Muslims may often be complex and elaborate, reminding students of the detailed and scrupulous observance of Rabbinic…