Search results for: “devaluation”

  • Depreciation

    Other Popular Tax Definitions in the World Legal Encyclopedia Adjusted Gross Income (sometimes, including Depreciation) "" target="_blank&quot…

  • Gold Franc

    A unit of exchange employed in certain international financial transactions. The gold franc contains .2903 grams of fine gold; it is identical with the Swiss franc prior to its 1936 devaluation….

  • Flight From The Dollar

    The large-scale divestiture of dollars and dollar-denominated securities by speculators and capital markets in 1970- 1971 in anticipation of a dollar devaluation. Pessimism concerning the dollar arose in response to growing balance of trade deficits and capital outflows attributable to low U.S. inte…

  • Dollar Glut

    An excess of dollars in circulation outside the United States, over and above the quantity required for trade and normal financial transactions. This condition arose during the late 1950s and persisted through the early 1970s, largely as the result of persistent American payment deficits and foreign…

  • History of the State of Exception

    History of the State of Exception A Brief History of the State of Exception by Giorgio Agamben An excerpt from State of Exception We have already seen how the state of siege had its origin in France during the Revolution. After being established with the Constituent Assembly’s decree of July 8, 1791, it acquired its…

  • Code Law Systems

    Code Law Systems The term “code-law systems” is usually employed, as a legal term of art, with two different, if related, meanings. First, “code” refers to the reduction of the laws customarily observed by a particular people to a more or less permanent, organized, and written form through a comprehensive piece of legislation or codification.…