Search results for: “Dictionary of abbreviations/”

  • Legal Abbreviations, Historical 2

    Legal Abbreviations, Historical 2 Affidavits, etc. The characters N. P. and J. P. indicate respectively the offices of Notary Public and Justice of the Peace, and their use does not vitiate a jurat. “Ex. A “means “exhibit A”; and “C. P. C. C,”annexed to the name of a person before whom an affidavit was sworn…

  • Legal Abbreviations, Historical

    Legal Abbreviations, Historical information Introduction A shortened form of words obtained by the omission of one or more syllables from the middle or end of the words, according to the Bouvier’s Law Dictionary. As almost every word in the language may be abbreviated, the number may be made very large. The broadest rule which has…

  • Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms

    Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms The shortening of existing words is another mean of vocabulary expansion. As with many other military slang and colloquial expressions, many of the slang and colloquial abbreviations originated during war. There were several motives for introducing slang abbreviations but the main reason was to hide the real meaning and linguistic economy.…