Category: Uncategorized


    SOCIAL JUSTICE Has a long history in Western religious writings in relation to the concept of the distribution of a society’s resources according to people’s needs. It has roots in the Bible, particularly in the prophets and in Leviticus, and in the works of early Christian writers. Within the past hundred years, it has found…


    SOCIAL INTEGRATION Referring primarily to how the parts of a society operate as a whole, the notion of integration has a long sociological pedigree, but one fraught with imprecision. Social integration generally refers to the way shared cultural goods receive normative expression, and also to the functional interdependence of the parts of a social system…


    SOCIAL CONTROL All the material and symbolic resources, including religious resources, available to a society to ensure that the behavior of its members complies with certain prescribed and sanctioned rules. It is related to the problem of social order. Social control concerns the requirements of social living; it is the result of people’s actions directed…


    SCIENCE AND RELIGION If science is defined as that body of knowledge about man and the universe that is based on observation, experiment, and measurement, while religion embodies teachings that are based on faith, then it follows that these two domains are bound to come into conflict with one another if they are treated as…


    SEXUALITY AND FERTILITY Religion and sexuality are cohabitors in history and across cultures (see Weber 1946:343-350). Sexuality and sexual practice are regulated by religious belief and doctrine; religious ritual may prescribe sexual activity including intercourse with gods or their earthly representatives; gods may be seen in myths as engaging in sexual work leading to the…


    SEXISM Millions of believers gather regularly in churches, synagogues, and other “holy” places to worship a higher power, learn the doctrines and principles of their faith, socialize with other followers, and celebrate a particular form of “family life.” Commensurate with the faith messages are admonitions concerning the rights and responsibilities of men, women, and children…


    SEMINARIES AND SEMINARIANS “Seminary” (from the Latin seminarium , meaning “seed plot”) was adopted by Roman Catholic Church fathers at the Council of Trent (sixteenth century) as the designation for settings where candidates for the priesthood could be nourished and formed in their vocations apart from distracting “worldly” influences. In the United States, “theological seminary”…

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  • Countries

    Select a Country Please choose a country Browse country-specific information and find the entries relating to each region. Africa South of Sahara – Select a country Angola Benin […]

  • Countries

    Select a Country Please choose a country Browse country-specific information and find the entries relating to each region. Africa South of Sahara – Select a country Angola Benin […]

  • Black Market

    Black Market Definition Black Market is the term designating the illicit sale of commodities in violation of government rationing and price-fixing. The term originated in Europe during World War I, when the introduction of rationing in belligerent countries tempted some persons with access […]

  • Zollverein

    Zollverein in 1889 The following information about Zollverein is from the Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States by the Best American and European Writers: Says Henri Richelot, writing in 1862: "Since the year 1832 the […]

  • Zollverein

    Zollverein in 1889 The following information about Zollverein is from the Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States by the Best American and European Writers: Says Henri Richelot, writing in 1862: "Since the year 1832 the […]

  • Hans Kelsen

    An explicitly rational approach to understanding law was promoted by Hans Kelsen (1881-1973), whose pure science of law has been treated as the highest development of analytical positivism, but is now seen in a different light.82 In his Kantian quest for 'pure theory',83 Kelsen searched for […]

  • Hans Kelsen

    An explicitly rational approach to understanding law was promoted by Hans Kelsen (1881-1973), whose pure science of law has been treated as the highest development of analytical positivism, but is now seen in a different light.82 In his Kantian quest for 'pure theory',83 Kelsen searched for […]