Search results for: “economic model”

  • Economic Model

    Hierarchical Display of Economic model Economics > Economic analysis > Economic analysis > EconometricsBusiness And Competition > Management > Management techniques > Management planning Economic model Concept of Economic model See the dictionary definition of Economic model. […]

  • Economic Models

    Literature Review on (Decision Making) Economic Models In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] Richard G. Sims offers the following summary about the topic of (Decision Making) Economic Models: This entry addresses economic models that are useful when the issue […]

  • Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

    Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in relation with International Trade In the context of trade organizations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following definition of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): A regional cooperation organization including Australia, Brunei. Canada. […]

  • Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

    Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in relation with International Trade In the context of trade organizations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following definition of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): A regional cooperation organization including Australia, Brunei. Canada. […]

  • Economics

    Liberalism: Economics Introduction to Economics The crisis concerning economic power was more profound. One branch of liberal philosophy was its economics as developed by the so-called classical economists, notably the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith and British economist David Ricardo. […]

  • Bureaucracy Economic Theories

    Literature Review on Bureaucracy Economic Theories In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] James R. Simmons offers the following summary about the topic of Bureaucracy Economic Theories: Economic theories of bureaucracy begin with the assumption that all the […]

  • Economic And Social Council

    Introduction to Economic and Social Council Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, composed of representatives of 54 countries. Each year 18 members are elected by the UN General Assembly for 3-year terms. ECOSOC's early activities were […]

  • Economic And Social Council

    Introduction to Economic and Social Council Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, composed of representatives of 54 countries. Each year 18 members are elected by the UN General Assembly for 3-year terms. ECOSOC's early activities were […]

  • UNIDROIT Model Clauses

    Model Clauses for the use of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts Introduction Official text: There is (…) a clear perception that the potentialities of the UNIDROIT Principles in transnational contract and dispute resolution practice have not yet been fully realised. This is due to a large extent to the fact that the UNIDROIT…

  • UNIDROIT Model Clauses

    Model Clauses for the use of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts Introduction Official text: There is (…) a clear perception that the potentialities of the UNIDROIT Principles in transnational contract and dispute resolution practice have not yet been fully realised. This is due to a large extent to the fact that the UNIDROIT…

  • Economic Diplomacy

    Economic Diplomacy Resources See Also international relations, diplomacy, state actors, nonstate actors, international political economy, globalization, commercial diplomacy, trade diplomacy, finance diplomacy, consular visa services Further Reading Antkiewicz, A., and Whalley, J. (2005) BRICSAM and the Non-WTO. Centre for International Governance Innovation Working Paper No. 3, Waterloo, Canada. Baldwin, D.A. (1985) Economic Statecraft. Princeton: Princeton…

  • Modeling

    Literature Review on (Research Methods) Mathematical Modeling In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] Roger J. Beck offers the following summary about the topic of (Research Methods) Mathematical Modeling: For policy purposes, mathematical modeling can be used […]

  • Economic Cooperation Organization

    Introduction to Economic Cooperation Organization Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), an organization that promotes economic and cultural cooperation between Islamic states (see Islam). Established in 1985, its original members were Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey. The conclusion of the Sovi…

  • Business Model

    A pattern of business activity in which, over time, the economy reaches a high, declines, enters a low point, and expands upward, reaching a high and repeating the cycle. Within the cycle, four phases can be identified: prosperity, recession, depression, and recovery.While economists gen…

  • A Behavioral Approach to Law and Economics

    A Behavioral Approach to Law and Economics   Christine Jolls, Cass R. Sunstein & Richard Thaler Economic analysis of law usually proceeds under the assumptions of neo-classical economics. But empirical evidence gives much reason to doubt these assumptions; people exhibit bounded rationality, bounded self-interest, and bounded willpower. This article offers a broad vision of how…