Artificial Intelligence Applications

Artificial Intelligence Applications

Artificial Intelligence Review: History, Tools and Applications, the Law and other Social Sciences

In this paper, we present a profound literature review of the Artificial Intelligence (AI). After defining it, we briefly cover its history and enumerate its principal fields of application. We name for example information system, commerce, image processing, human-computer interaction, data compression, robotics, route planning and etc. Moreover, the test that defines an artificially intelligent system, called The Turing test, is also defined and detailed. Afterwards, we describe some AI tools such as Fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms and swarm intelligence. Special attention will be given to neural networks and fuzzy logic. We also present the future research directions and ethics.[1]


Notes and References

  1. Amal Kilani, Ahmed Ben Hamida, Habib Hamam, “Artificial Intelligence Review: History, Tools and Applications” (Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition, Information Resources Management Association, 2018)



