Artificial Ethics

Artificial Ethics

Artificial Ethics, the Law and other Social Sciences

We live today in a partially artificial intelligent environment in which human intelligent agents are accompanied and assisted by artificial intelligent agents, continually endowed with more functions, skills and even competences, and having a more significant involvement and influence in the social environment. Therefore artificial agents need to become and moral agents. Human and artificial intelligent agents are cooperating in various complex activities and thus they develop some common characteristics and properties. These features, in turn, are changing and progressing together with several increasing requirements of the different types of activities. All these changes produce a common evolution of human and artificial intelligent agents. Under these new conditions, human and artificial agents need and a shared ethics. Artificial ethics can be philosophically grounded, scientifically developed and technically implemented, it will be a more clear, coherent and consistent ethics, suitable for both human and artificial moral agents, and will be the first effective ethics.[1]


Notes and References

  1. Laura Pan_, “Artificial Ethics” (Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition, Information Resources Management Association, 2018)



