

An Overview of Crowdsourcing, the Law and other Social Sciences

During the past decade, there were rapid developments on the Internet, computing technologies and wide-spread of location-aware technologies such as GPS and mobile technology. These developments made it easier for people to communicate and share their opinions, views, knowledge, maps and many others throughout software platforms. These technologies have participated in the creation of what is now called Web 2.0. It is a new era of the web where users play an active role in adding contents to the web in a collaborative way, instead of just consuming the web contents. People are sharing social media posts, blog posts, product reviews, ideas, opinions and many more. Crowdsourcing is a phenomenon that appeared due to the ability of web users to contribute to the web (Web2.0). this topic serves as a general overview of crowdsourcing. It investigates various attempts to defining the term, its conceptual models, its benefits and challenges, its applications and exploring some online crowdsourcing systems, software platforms, current and future research avenues.[1]

How the Crowdsourcing Enhance the Co-creation Into the Virtual Communities, the Law and other Social Sciences

Nowadays, more and more companies are trying to follow the trend, by integrating actively their customers in their new development processes of products and services. Co-creation is the process by which products, services and experiences are jointly developed by companies, their partners and the final consumer; leading to a new space where the value created would be shared. However, as the consequences / strategic implications of the co-creation value were studied rigorously and prolifically, as the cognitive, emotional and intention patterns of co-creation. The aim of this topic is to explain the contribution of the crowdsourcing to facilitate the co-creation into the virtual communities. And, in fine, to demonstrate the consequences of this IT on the firm, namely: the strength of the relationship, the productivity, the efficiency…[1]


Notes and References

  1. Nedra Bahri Ammari, “How the Crowdsourcing Enhance the Co-Creation Into the Virtual Communities” (Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition, Information Resources Management Association, 2018)


Notes and References

  1. Eman Younis, “An Overview of Crowdsourcing” (Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition, Information Resources Management Association, 2018)



