Un Office on Drugs and Crime

Un Office on Drugs and Crime

The United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime (Unodc) in 2016

The United Nations Crime Commission that oversees UNODC as a governing body held a thematic debate in May on “Criminal justice responses to prevent and counter terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including the financing of terrorism, and technical assistance in support of the implementation of relevant international conventions and protocols.” The UNODC's Terrorism Prevention Branch (TPB) continued to provide assistance to countries seeking to ratify and implement the universal legal instruments against terrorism as well as providing assistance for countering the financing of terrorism in conjunction with the UNODC's Global Program against Money Laundering. The United States has engaged UNODC/TPB as a counterterrorism assistance implementer, supporting programming focused on strengthening the criminal justice system's response to terrorism by member states. Specifically, in 2016, the United States supported UNODC/TPB programs aimed at strengthening the legal regime against terrorism within a rule of law framework in the Sahel region.