Healthcare Decision

Healthcare Decision

Literature Review on Healthcare Decision Analysis: Alternatives

In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] Krishna S. Dhir offers the following summary about the topic of Healthcare Decision Analysis: Alternatives: This entry explores the complex nature of clinical decision making. Various factors that contribute to the complexity of the clinical decision-making process are identified. Clinical decision-making process is becoming increasingly democratized. The judgment process itself is fallible and covert. However, it is possible to describe a decision maker's judgmental policies underlying the decision-making process in terms a set of parameters. Various theories and frameworks available to the healthcare decision maker to analyze the decision-making process are discussed. Suggestions are offered as to how the healthcare professional might choose an approach to analyze the decision-making process from among the alternatives available.


Notes and References

  1. Entry about Healthcare Decision Analysis: Alternatives in the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (2015, Routledge, Oxford, United Kingdom)

See Also

Further Reading

  • Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance (2018, Springer International Publishing, Germany)




