Introduction to Law

Introduction to Law

Introduction to Law

Contents of Introduction to Law

Contents of this subject matter include:The topic structure is as follows:

Introduction to the American legal system delivered over two weeks:

Part 1 introduces readers to the origins of American law, the development of the American legal system, the Common Law traditions underpinning it and its operation within United States' federal structure and Westminster system

Part 2 introduces the readers to the operation of the legal system and looks specifically at the sources of law in legislation and case law and the role of judges to interpret statutes and apply the law)

Exploring the different roles and functions of two significant categories of law – Tort Law and Criminal Law

Legal research and the library resources available for conducting it

Contract Law I – the elements of a valid contract and how to avoid contractual impediments

Contract Law II – Contractual breaches and termination of the contract

American consumer law

Business structures: small business, partnerships and corporations

The nature, sources and subjects of international law

United States and the international legal system

The operation of International law with specific reference to business, human rights and the environment

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