Tir Carnet

Tir Carnet

Tir Carnet in International Trade

Meaning of Tir Carnet, according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): A document issued pursuant to the TIR (Transport International Routier) permitting sealed road transport shipments to traverse European TIR-members countries without undergoing customs inspection until reaching the destination country. Each TIR Carnet has a unique reference number. A TIR Carnet may have 4, 6, 14, or 20 vouchers, as one pair of vouchers is used per country; the number of vouchers indicates the number of countries that can be transited, including the countries of departure and destination, under cover of this type of Carnet (e.g. a 20-voucher Carnet may be used for a TIR transport through up to 10 countries). Each individual TIR Carnet can be used for only one TIR transport. Once the TIR transport has been terminated at the Customs office of destination of the goods, the driver is handed back the TIR Carnet duly endorsed by the Customs authorities of destination.



