Losing Face

Losing Face

Losing Face in International Trade

Meaning of Losing Face, according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): An essential element of Chinese business culture is reputation (called Mianzi) which the Chinese have within their personal relationships (Guanxi). Actions that can result in “losing face” for a Chinese negotiator are: interrupting while he is talking or directly challenging him or pointing out an error of his. If during negotiations someone is made to lose face before his peers, this person will react very negatively and it will be very difficult to reach an agreement, as decisions are reached as a group. As a counter position to the concept of “losing face” there is also “giving face” (Gei Mianzi) which is achieved, for example, by paying compliments or praising their work in front of a superior. This is recommended as it improves their reputation and will make them take a more favorable attitude in reaching an agreement. See guanxi. China Business Cultura & Etiquette Guide.



