

An Envoy in Debt: International Incident

In the book “International Incidents for Discussion in Conversation Classes”, in relation to this subject, L. Oppenheim wrote in 1909: Baron de Wrech, who had for some time been minister plenipotentiary of the Landgraf of Hesse-Cassel at Paris, was recalled in 1772. When he asked for his passports, the Duc d’Aiguillon, the French foreign secretary, refused to deliver them to him before he had paid debts due to the Marquis de Bezons and other creditors.

The Coachman of an Envoy: International Incident

In the book “International Incidents for Discussion in Conversation Classes”, in relation to this subject, L. Oppenheim wrote in 1909: In 1827 a coachman of Mr. Gallatin, the American minister in London, committed an assault outside the embassy. He was arrested in the stable of the embassy and charged before a local magistrate. The British Foreign Office refused to recognise the exemption of the coachman from the local jurisdiction.



