

Clustering in Legal Information Retrieval

The following is a basic concept of Clustering in relation to information retrieval. In addition to this, Clustering may be applied to legal texts, including case law, legislation and scholarly works. Clustering means to create or identify groupings or clusters of items. At one level, classing, classification, and clustering all mean the same thing — the assembling of items into groups or categories. However, the term clustering is used more often when the classing, or gathering together, is done through automatic, or algorithmic, means. The term classing or classification usually implies human judgment.

Co-Occurrence Term Clustering in Legal Information Retrieval

The following is a basic concept of Co-Occurrence Term Clustering in relation to information retrieval. In addition to this, Co-Occurrence Term Clustering may be applied to legal texts, including case law, legislation and scholarly works. Here computer programs are used to compile lists of terms that occur together most frequently in various contexts. The most frequently co-occurring terms are likely to include terms closely related to the term with which a searcher begins, from which the searcher can select likely terms to improve a search.



