Town Meeting

Town Meeting

Introduction to Town Meeting

Town Meeting, gathering or assembly of voters that convenes at some scheduled interval to conduct the business of a town. In the U.S., the town meeting has long been associated with the governmental system of New England, where it dates from colonial times. The town is the most important local administrative unit in New England, and the center of political activity is the town meeting. It usually meets once a year and may be attended by all legal voters. The assemblage discusses measures of general interest, elects town officers, makes appropriations, and votes the taxes for the following year. The New England town meeting governs through a body of officers, varying according to the needs of the community. These usually consist of the selectmen, varying in number from three to nine, who are the executive magistrates of the town, the town clerk, treasurer, constables, tax assessors, overseers of the poor, and school trustees.” (1)


Notes and References

Guide to Town Meeting




