Rape Effects

Rape Effects

Rape Effects on Victims

Introduction to Rape Effects

Women who are raped suffer a sense of violation that goes beyond physical injury. They may become distrustful of men and experience feelings of shame, humiliation, and loss of privacy. Victims who suffer rape trauma syndrome experience physical symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. They may also develop psychological disturbances related to the circumstances of the rape, such as intense fears. Fear of being raped has social as well as personal consequences. For example, it may prevent women from socializing or traveling as they wish.

As attitudes about rape have changed, society’s response to rape has also altered. For example, many law enforcement agencies have instituted practices that show greater sensitivity to rape victims. Some cities have formed special units of trained policewomen and counselors. Use of such specialists can help make it less difficult for a rape victim to report an attack. In addition, rape crisis hot lines and clinics have been established to help victims negotiate the legal system and overcome the aftereffects of being victimized.” (1)


Notes and References

Guide to Rape Effects




