Arab League Membership

Arab League Membership

Arab League Membership

The league was founded in Cairo in 1945 by Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Transjordan (Jordan, as of 1949), and Yemen. Countries that later joined are: Algeria (1962), Bahrain (1971), Comoros (1993), Djibouti (1977), Kuwait (1961), Libya (1953), Mauritania (1973), Morocco (1958), Oman (1971), Qatar (1971), Somalia (1974), Southern Yemen (1967), Sudan (1956), Tunisia (1958), and the United Arab Emirates (1971). The Palestine Liberation Organization was admitted in 1976. Egypt’s membership was suspended in 1979 after it signed a peace treaty with Israel; the league’s headquarters was moved from Cairo, Egypt, to Tunis, Tunisia. In 1987 Arab leaders decided to renew diplomatic ties with Egypt. Egypt was readmitted to the league in 1989 and the league’s headquarters was moved back to Cairo. (1)

In this Section: Arab League, Arab League Membership, Arab League Structure, Arab League History and Arab League Activities.


Notes and References

  1. Encarta Online Encyclopedia

See Also




