Tag: History of

  • History of International Law

    Ancient History The need for some principles and rules of conduct between independent states arises whenever such states enter into mutual relations. Rules governing the treatment of foreign traders, travelers, and ambassadors, as well as the conclusion and observance of treaties, […]

  • History of Diplomacy

    History of Diplomacy Introduction to the History of Diplomacy As soon as people organized themselves into separate social groups, the necessity of regularizing contacts with representatives of other groups became apparent. Even the earliest civilizations had rules for interaction. Early Development The first civilization to develop an orderly system of diplomacy was ancient Greece. Ambassadors…

  • Nation-State

    Introduction to Nation-StateNation-State, territory controlled by a single government and inhabited by a distinct population with a common culture that shapes the identity of its citizens." (1)ResourcesNotes and ReferencesInformation about <a href="http://law…

  • History of the State of Exception

    History of the State of Exception A Brief History of the State of Exception by Giorgio Agamben An excerpt from State of Exception We have already seen how the state of siege had its origin in France during the Revolution. After being established with the Constituent Assembly’s decree of July 8, 1791, it acquired its…

  • History of Foreign Trade until the 20th Century

    History of Foreign Trade until the 20th Century Although foreign trade was an important part of ancient and medieval economies, it acquired new significance after about 1500. As empires and colonies were established by European countries, trade became an arm of governmental policy. Emergence of Modern Foreign Trade Although foreign trade was an important part…

  • History of Migration

    History of Migration Migration in Ancient History Among the most far-reaching series of ancient migrations were those of the peoples who spread the Indo-European family of languages (see Indo-European Languages). According to a prevalent hypothesis, a large group of Indo-Europeans migrated from east-central Europe eastward toward the region of the Caspian Sea before 3000 BC.…

  • History of Sociology

    History of the Sociology As a discipline, or body of systematized knowledge, sociology is of relatively recent origin. The concept of civil society as a realm distinct from the state was expressed in the writings of the 17th century English philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke and of the later thinkers of the French and…

  • History of Government

    History of Government Introduction The despotic empires of Egypt, Sumer, Assyria, Persia, and Macedonia were followed by the rise of city-states, the first self-governing communities, in which the rule of law predominated and state officials were responsible to the citizens who chose them. The city-states of Greece, such as Athens, Corinth, and Sparta, and of…

  • History of the Church and State Relationship

    History of the Church and State Relationship Church and State, relationship between the organized church and the government of a country, especially with regard to the extent of their powers within each other’s sphere of activity. The problem of church and state has come into relatively sharp focus in the tradition of Western Christianity, although…

  • History of Censorship

    History of Censorship Early History Censorship and the ideology supporting it go back to ancient times. Every society has had customs, taboos, or laws by which speech, play, dress, religious observance, and sexual expression were regulated. Greek Censorship In Athens, where democracy first flourished, Socrates preferred to sacrifice his life rather than accept censorship of…

  • History of Zionism

    History of Zionism History of Zionism before 1910 During the middle ages, though the racial character of the Jews was being transformed by their Ghetto seclusion, the national yearning suffered no relaxation. If it expressed itself exclusively in literature, it was not on that account undergoing a process of idealization. (Cf. Abrahams’s Jewish Life in…

  • History of Working Time

    History of Working Time Regulations History of Working Time until 1920 The decade following 1910 witnessed a rapid advance and extension in the already widespread movement in favour of the reduction of the hours of labour. This was mainly due, apart from general trade-union pressure, firstly to the repercussions of the World War and of…

  • History of Labor Legislation

    History of Labor Legislation Introduction In comparing legislation affecting factories, mines, shops and truck in the chief industrial countries of the continent with that of Great Britain, it is essential to a just view that inquiry should be extended beyond the codes themselves to the general social order and system of law and administration in…

  • History of Industrial Councils

    History of Industrial Councils History of Industrial Councils in the United Kingdom The formation of joint industrial councils (or, as they are commonly called, “Whitley Councils” ) has been one of the most important sequels of wartime developments in the attempt to adjust the relations of employers and employees in the organization of British industry.…

  • History of Nationalization

    History of Nationalization Introduction The fact that “Nationalization” had become in 1916-21 one of the burning political questions of the day is unfortunate as regards arriving at a clear appraisal of its principles, for, from the outset, it is difficult for a writer to avoid a certain bias in approaching its discussion. Yet Nationalization of…