Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds

Creating Active Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds, the Law and other Social Sciences

Virtual reality can advance educational practices, as creating active learning spaces in virtual worlds offers a more natural way to promote interdisciplinary studies that integrate play to engage students (Lansiquot, 2015, 2012; Lansiquot, Cabo, & Cunningham, 2016; Lansiquot & Cunningham, 2016; Lansiquot, Liou-Mark, & Blake, 2015). Role-play can facilitate engagement in interdisciplinary courses for technology students. this topic will detail how role-playing in virtual worlds can be used effectively to support interdisciplinary studies and place-based learning, extending learning in undergraduate urban technology classrooms.[1]


Notes and References

  1. Reneta Lansiquot, Tamrah Cunningham, Zianne Cuff, “Creating Active Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds” (Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition, Information Resources Management Association, 2018)



