United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Article 256
Marine Scientific Research in the Area
All States, irrespective of their geographical location, and competent
International Organizations have the right, in conformity with the
provisions of Part XI, to conduct Marine Scientific Research in the Area.
Article 257
Marine scientific research in the water column beyond the
Exclusive Economic Zone
All States, irrespective of their geographical location, and competent
International Organizations have the right, in conformity with this
Convention, to conduct marine scientific research in the water column
beyond the limits of the Exclusive Economic Zone .
Article 258
Deployment and use
The deployment and use of any type of scientific research installations or
equipment in any area of the marine environment shall be subject to the
same conditions as are prescribed in this Convention for the conduct of
marine scientific research in any such area.
Article 259
Legal status
The installations or equipment referred to in this section do not possess
the status of islands. They have no territorial sea of their own, and their
presence does not affect the delimitation of the territorial sea, the
exclusive economic zone or the Continental Shelf .
Article 260
Safety zones
Safety zones of a reasonable breadth not exceeding a distance of 500 metres
may be created around scientific research installations in accordance with
the relevant provisions of this Convention. All States shall ensure that
such safety zones are respected by their vessels.
Article 261
Non-interference with shipping routes
The deployment and use of any type of scientific research installations or
equipment shall not constitute an obstacle to established international
shipping routes.
Article 262
Identification markings and warning signals
Installations or equipment referred to in this section shall bear
identification markings indicating the State of registry or the
international organization to which they belong and shall have adequate
internationally agreed warning signals to ensure safety at sea and the
safety of air navigation, taking into account rules and standards
established by competent international organizations.
Article 263
Responsibility and liability
1. States and competent international organizations shall be responsible
for ensuring that marine scientific research, whether undertaken by them or
on their behalf, is conducted in accordance with this Convention.
2. States and competent international organizations shall be responsible
and liable for the measures they take in contravention of this Convention
in respect of marine scientific research conducted by other States, their
natural or juridical persons or by competent international organizations,
and shall provide compensation for damage resulting from such measures.
3. States and competent international organizations shall be responsible
and liable pursuant to article 235 for damage caused by pollution of the
marine environment arising out of marine scientific research undertaken by
them or on their behalf.
SECTION 6. Settlement of Disputes AND
Article 264
Settlement of Disputes
Disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of
this Convention with regard to marine scientific research shall be settled
in accordance with Part XV, sections 2 and 3.
Article 265
Interim measures
Pending settlement of a dispute in accordance with Part XV, sections 2 and
3, the State or competent international organization authorized to conduct
a marine scientific research project shall not allow research activities to
commence or continue without the express consent of the coastal State
Article 266
Promotion of the development and transfer of marine
1. States, directly or through competent international organizations, shall
cooperate in accordance with their capabilities to promote actively the
development and transfer of marine science and marine technology on fair
and reasonable terms and conditions.
2. States shall promote the development of the marine scientific and
technological capacity of States which may need and request technical
assistance in this field, particularly developing States, including
land-locked and geographically disadvantaged States, with regard to the
exploration, exploitation, conservation and management of marine resources,
the protection and preservation of the marine environment, marine
scientific research and other activities in the marine environment
compatible with this Convention, with a view to accelerating the social and
economic development of the developing States.
3. States shall endeavour to foster favourable economic and legal
conditions for the transfer of marine technology for the benefit of all
parties concerned on an equitable basis.
Article 267
Protection of legitimate interests
States, in promoting co-operation pursuant to article 266, shall have due
regard for all legitimate interests including, inter alia, the rights and
duties of holders, suppliers and recipients of marine technology.
Article 268
Basic objectives
States, directly or through competent international organizations, shall
(a) the acquisition, evaluation and dissemination of marine technological
knowledge and facilitate access to such information and data;
(b) the development of appropriate marine technology;
(c) the development of the necessary technological infrastructure to
facilitate the transfer of marine technology;
(d) the development of human resources through training and Education of
nationals of developing States and countries and especially the
nationals of the least developed among them;
(e) international co-operation at all levels, particularly at the
regional, subregional and bilateral levels.
Article 269
Measures to achieve the basic objectives
In order to achieve the objectives referred to in article 268, States,
directly or through competent international organizations, shall endeavour,
inter alia, to:
(a) establish programmes of technical co-operation for the effective
transfer of all kinds of marine technology to States which may need
and request technical assistance in this field, particularly the
developing land-locked and geographically disadvantaged States, as
well as other developing States which have not been able either to
establish or develop their own technological capacity in marine
science and in the exploration and exploitation of marine resources
or to develop the infrastructure of such technology;
(b) promote favourable conditions for the conclusion of agreements,
contracts and other similar arrangements, under equitable and
reasonable conditions;
(c) hold conferences, seminars and symposia on scientific and
technological subjects, in particular on policies and methods for the
transfer of marine technology;
(d) promote the exchange of scientists and of technological and other
(e) undertake projects and promote joint ventures and other forms of
bilateral and multilateral co-operation.
See Also
References and Further Reading
About the Author/s and Reviewer/s
Author: international