Tag: UL
Hierarchical Display of Ulster-Donegal Geography > Regions of EU Member States > Regions of Ireland Concept of Ulster-Donegal See the dictionary definition of Ulster-Donegal. Characteristics of Ulster-Donegal [rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] Resources Translation of Ulster-Donegal Spanish: […]
Ultra-fine Particle
Hierarchical Display of Ultra-fine particle Production, Technology And Research > Technology and technical regulations > Advanced materials Ultra-fine particle Concept of Ultra-fine particle See the dictionary definition of Ultra-fine particle. Characteristics of Ultra-fine particle [rtbs […]
Ultra Vires
Introduction to Ultra Vires Ultra Vires (Latin for 'beyond the powers'), any act by a public authority, company, or other agency that goes beyond the limits of its powers. In administrative law, the doctrine of ultra vires governs all delegated legislation. Where an act is found to be […]
Ultra Vires
Introduction to Ultra Vires Ultra Vires (Latin for 'beyond the powers'), any act by a public authority, company, or other agency that goes beyond the limits of its powers. In administrative law, the doctrine of ultra vires governs all delegated legislation. Where an act is found to be […]
Embracing mainstream international law, this section on ultimatum explores the context, history and effect of the area of the law covered here. Resources Further Reading The entry "ultimatum" in the Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law (currently, the […]
Embracing mainstream international law, this section on ultimatum explores the context, history and effect of the area of the law covered here. Resources Further Reading The entry "ultimatum" in the Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law (currently, the […]
The Legal History of UlpianThis section provides an overview of Ulpian ResourcesSee AlsoLegal Biography Legal Traditions Historical Laws History of Law Further Reading Ulpian in the Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History (Oxford University Press) The Oxford Encyclopedia of American […]
Ulrich Zasius
The Legal History of Ulrich ZasiusThis section provides an overview of Ulrich Zasius ResourcesSee AlsoLegal Biography Legal Traditions Historical Laws History of Law Further Reading Ulrich Zasius in the Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History (Oxford University Press) The Oxford […]
Ultralarge Crude Carrier
A tanker exceeding three hundred thousand deadweight tons….
Ultimate Consignee
A person specified on an export license as the party authorized by the license as the end recipient of the merchandise in the specified country of destination….
Ultimate Purchaser
As used by customs officials, the last person who will receive an imported article in the form it was imported. In the event an imported article is processed or manipulated following importation, the processor is the ultimate purchaser….
The shortage of contents from a cask or sack that occurs from handling or motion in transit. Evaporation, per se, does not constitute ullage….
Ultimate Purchaser
As used by customs officials, the last person who will receive an imported article in the form it was imported. In the event an imported article is processed or manipulated following importation, the processor is the ultimate purchaser….
The shortage of contents from a cask or sack that occurs from handling or motion in transit. Evaporation, per se, does not constitute ullage….