Tag: Supremacy

  • Magna Carta

    Legal Materials Pictures and translations of the Magna Carta are posted on the Internet by the National Archives and Records Administration and the British Library. You'll find a print copy in the American Jurisprudence 2d Deskbook. Abstract The Magna Carta (literally, the […]

  • Parliamentary Sovereignty

    Mizrahi Bank Case (Israel) In relation to the mizrahi bank case (Israel) and constitutional law, Suzie Navot[1] made the following observation: Israel has no single official document known as 'the Constitution', and for nearly half a century, its legal structure was based on the […]

  • Supremacy

    Supremacy / Primacy In relation to the supremacy / primacy and constitutional law, M Elvira Méndez-Pinedo[1] made the following observation: If supremacy is understood as the quality or state of having more power, authority, sovereign dominion, pre-eminence or status than anyone else in […]

  • Supremacy

    Supremacy / Primacy In relation to the supremacy / primacy and constitutional law, M Elvira Méndez-Pinedo[1] made the following observation: If supremacy is understood as the quality or state of having more power, authority, sovereign dominion, pre-eminence or status than anyone else in […]

  • Parliamentary Monarchy

    In relation to the parliamentary monarchy and constitutional law, Rainer Grote[1] made the following observation: A parliamentary monarchy is a political system where the function of head of state (heads of state and government) is vested in a hereditary or elected monarch while a […]