Tag: Spain

  • United Nations Symbols

    United Nations Symbols United Nations Documents Symbols System The United Nations publishes many documents. Many documents were originally published in mimeographed form and are still sometimes referred to as ‘mimeo docs.’ This entry will explain the United Nations series symbols system which was designed to provide access to these documents. The series symbols provide access…

  • Treaties of the United Nations

    Treaties of the United Nations (UN) and the International Lanscape Resources See Also Popular Treaties Topics Treaties of the United Nations (UN) Types of Treaties International Treaties Famous Treaties Law of Treaties Numbered Treaties

  • Vocabularium Utriusque Juris

    Vocabularium Utriusque Juris Details of the Dictionary “Vocabularium Utriusque Juris” Publisher: Lyon (France): Apud haeredes Iacobi Iuntae Year of Publication: 1559. About the Author: Elio Antonio de Nebrija (c. 1444-1522) In the words of the Tarlton Law Library (University of Texas School of Law): “Antonio de Nebrija was a leading Spanish author, humanist, philologist, and…

  • Vocabularium Utriusque Juris

    Vocabularium Utriusque Juris Details of the Dictionary “Vocabularium Utriusque Juris” Publisher: Lyon (France): Apud haeredes Iacobi Iuntae Year of Publication: 1559. About the Author: Elio Antonio de Nebrija (c. 1444-1522) In the words of the Tarlton Law Library (University of Texas School of Law): “Antonio de Nebrija was a leading Spanish author, humanist, philologist, and…

  • Diccionario Histórico y Forense del Derecho Real de España

    Diccionario Histórico y Forense del Derecho Real de España Details of the “Diccionario Histórico y Forense del Derecho Real de España” Volumes: 2 vols. Publisher: Madrid (Spain): Joachin Ibarra, impresor de camara de Su Majestad. Year of Publication: 1779-1784 About the Author: Andrés Bruno Cornejo y Castaño (1732-1797) In the words of the Tarlton Law…

  • Alphabetum Juridicvm, canonicum, civile, theoricum, practicum, morale, atque, politicum

    Alphabetum juridicvm, canonicum, civile, theoricum, practicum, morale, atque, politicum About the Author: Gil Fadrique de Castejón (1618-1692) In the words of the Tarlton Law Library (University of Texas School of Law): “Gil Fadrique de Castejón was born and baptized in Ágreda (Spain) into a family descended from the Marqués del Socorro. He was himself a…

  • United Nations Development Fund For Women

    UNIFEM – United Nations Development Fund for Women Further ReadingA concise encyclopedia of the United Nations (including United Nations Development Fund for Women , H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG Weiss – 2007) International Law: A Dictionary […]

  • United Nations Institute For Disarmament Research

    UNIDIR – United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Further ReadingA concise encyclopedia of the United Nations (including United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research , H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG Weiss – 2007) International Law: A […]

  • World Federation Of United Nations Associations

    WFUNA – World Federation of United Nations Associations Further ReadingA concise encyclopedia of the United Nations (including World Federation of United Nations Associations , H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG Weiss – 2007) International Law: A […]

  • United Nations Civilian Police

    UNCIVPOL – United Nations Civilian Police Further ReadingA concise encyclopedia of the United Nations (including United Nations Civilian Police , H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG Weiss – 2007) International Law: A Dictionary (including United Nations […]

  • United Nations Reform

    Reform of the United Nations Further ReadingA concise encyclopedia of the United Nations (including United Nations Reform, H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG Weiss – 2007) International Law: A Dictionary (including United Nations Reform, Boczek, Boleslaw […]

  • History Of the United Nations

    History of the Foundation of the United Nations Further ReadingA concise encyclopedia of the United Nations (including History of the United Nations , H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG Weiss – 2007) International Law: A Dictionary (including History of the […]

  • United Nations Center For Human Settlements

    UNCHS – United Nations Center for Human Settlements Further ReadingA concise encyclopedia of the United Nations (including United Nations Center for Human Settlements , H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG Weiss – 2007) International Law: A Dictionary […]

  • United Nations System

    Coordination in the United Nations System Further ReadingA concise encyclopedia of the United Nations (including United Nations System , H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG Weiss – 2007) International Law: A Dictionary (including United Nations System , […]

  • United Nations Institute For Training And Research

    Introduction to United Nations Institute for Training and ResearchUnited Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), independent organization that trains diplomats and United Nations (UN) delegates to make the most efficient use of the UN and its agencies. The organization also an…