Tag: Secession

  • United Nations Resolutions

    United Nations Resolutions United Nations Security Council Resolutions Some of the United Nations Security Council resolutions covered in this encyclopedia cover the following: United Nations Security Council Resolution 827 United Nations Security Council Resolution 955 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1272 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2177 United Nations Security Council Resolution 940 United Nations…

  • United Nations General Assembly Resolutions

    United Nations General Assembly Resolutions Note: for information on United Nations activities in general, see here. United Nations General Assembly Resolutions Some of the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions covered in the Encyclopedia are the following: United Nations General Assembly Resolution 64/298 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 174 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 United…

  • Control

    Mother Church, Control From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Mother Church, Control (1): A majority of the members of a congregation can not by their vote leave the church and transfer the property of the congregation to another church so long as any portion of the […]

  • Control

    Mother Church, Control From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Mother Church, Control (1): A majority of the members of a congregation can not by their vote leave the church and transfer the property of the congregation to another church so long as any portion of the […]

  • Heresy and Secession

    Heresy And Secession In relation to religious matters, find out about Heresy And Secession and the following issues in this world legal Encyclopedia: Mother Church, Control Seceders, Funds Society, Foreign Language, Independent Subordinate, Incorporated "Church," Seceders, Debt

  • Seceders

    "Church," Seceders, Debt From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about "Church," Seceders, Debt (1): Where a religious society amended its constitution as provided therein, those who adhered to the amended constitution constituted the"church," and […]

  • Subordinate

    Subordinate, Incorporated From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Subordinate, Incorporated (1): A religious society subordinate to church judicatures, which declares itself independent and becomes incorporated under the general law of the state and subsequently purchases […]

  • Subordinate

    Subordinate, Incorporated From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Subordinate, Incorporated (1): A religious society subordinate to church judicatures, which declares itself independent and becomes incorporated under the general law of the state and subsequently purchases […]

  • Quarrel

    Methodist, Slaveholding, Non-Slaveholding, Quarrel, Schism, Secession From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Methodist, Slaveholding, Non-Slaveholding, Quarrel, Schism, Secession (1): The division of the Methodist church into distinct organizations of slaveholding and […]

  • Majority

    Majority (By an unspecified method) in Constitutional LawFrom the Comparative Constitutions Project: In any majority electoral system, there is necessariliy a method of deciding the winner when no single option has a majority of the votes cast. However, the method is not always specified in the […]

  • Seceder

    Seceders, Funds From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Seceders, Funds (1): Nor can seceders from a religious denomination retain the funds in their hands as trustees on the ground that they were members of the society when the funds accrued.222 The title to church property […]

  • Withdrawal

    Bible, Constitution, Withdrawal From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Bible, Constitution, Withdrawal (1): A religious organization that takes the Bible as its constitution can not declare a member a seceder who interprets it contrary to the Augsburg Confession of the […]

  • Independent

    Society, Foreign Language, Independent From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Society, Foreign Language, Independent (1): The formation of a society distinct from the rest of the congregation for the purpose of instruction in a portion of the doctrine of the same church in […]

  • Division

    Division in Constitutional LawFrom the Comparative Constitutions Project: By divisions, we mean something that is uniform throughout the constitution, not subsections that only appear sporadically.