Tag: Definition

  • Commonwealth

    Commonwealth Definition Commonwealth may be defined as a body of people in a politically organized community that is independent or semi-independent, and in which the government functions by the common consent of the people. The United States and its separate, semiautonomous states are […]

  • Commonwealth

    Commonwealth Definition Commonwealth may be defined as a body of people in a politically organized community that is independent or semi-independent, and in which the government functions by the common consent of the people. The United States and its separate, semiautonomous states are […]

  • Oligarchy

    Oligarchy Definition Oligarchy, in political philosophy, form of government in which the supreme power is vested in a few persons. Political writers of ancient Greece used the term to designate the debased form of an aristocracy, or government by the best citizens. In an oligarchy, the […]

  • Oligarchy

    Oligarchy Definition Oligarchy, in political philosophy, form of government in which the supreme power is vested in a few persons. Political writers of ancient Greece used the term to designate the debased form of an aristocracy, or government by the best citizens. In an oligarchy, the […]

  • Municipal Law

    Municipal Law Definition Municipal Law, term used to designate the body of law of an individual nation or subdivision thereof, as distinguished from international law. Municipal law includes both public law, the branch of law concerned with the relations between the state and the individual, […]