Tag: Constitutional Systems

  • Constitutions

    Constitutions as Legal Research Source The Constitution of the United States of America : Main Elements The coverage of The Constitution of the United States of America includes the following main elements: The Structure of the Constitution For detailed information on this issue, please read […]

  • Constitutions

    Constitutions as Legal Research Source The Constitution of the United States of America : Main Elements The coverage of The Constitution of the United States of America includes the following main elements: The Structure of the Constitution For detailed information on this issue, please read […]

  • State Constitutions

    The Legal History of State Law: State ConstitutionsThis section provides an overview of State Law: State Constitutions ResourcesSee AlsoLegal Biography Legal Traditions Historical Laws History of Law Further Reading State Law: State Constitutions in the Oxford International Encyclopedia of […]

  • National Constitutions

    National Constitutions…

  • Constitutions of the World

    Constitutions of the World…

  • List of Constitutions of the World

    List of Constitutions of the World The Encyclopedia offers (in most cases, authoritative) translations of the constitutions of most countries. In some cases, complementing the official documents are introductory and comparative notes and cross references examining amendments, and highlighting pertinent historical, political, and economic factors. List of Constitutions with some additional information This list includes…

  • Constitutions

    Constitutions Identifying Constitutions: the concept of a constitution and its relationship with written documents A crucial, and not at all trivial, step is to identify a country ‘s “constitution” at any given time. The flood of institutional research over the last two decades has expanded and diluted the concept of a constitution. For many, constitutions…

  • Constitutional Texts: Bavaria 1808 and 1818 Constitutions

    Constitutional Texts: Bavaria 1808 and 1818 Constitutions BAVARIA’S CONSTITUTION OF 1808 MAY 1ST, 1808 We Maximilian Joseph, by the grace of God King of Bavaria. We are governed by the conviction that as long as the State remains a mere aggregate of separate parts, it can neither achieve its full potential strength, for which it…

  • Adoption and Amendment of Constitutions in the World: a Timeline

    Adoption and Amendment of Constitutions in the World: a Timeline, by Salvador Trinxet Constitutions are the basic law of the countries, establish the limitations of government powers and describe the rights and liberties of citizens. In general (Brazil being one of the rare exemptions), Constitutions are not detailed, rather they contain broad principles. But Constitutions…

  • State Constitutions and the Protection of Individual Rights

    State Constitutions and the Protection of Individual Rights   William J. Brennan, Jr.   During the 1960’s, as the Supreme Court expanded the measure of federal protection for individual rights, there was little need for litigants to rest their claims, or judges their decisions, on state constitutional grounds. In this Article, Mr. Justice Brennan argues…

  • List of Regulatory Authorities

    List of Regulatory Authorities in the World Albania: Government of Albania, Tirana, Autoriteti i Konkurrencà«s (Competition Authority) Antigua and Barbuda: Government of Antigua, St. John’s, Financial Services Regulation Commission Argentina: Government of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Economí­a, y Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC) (National…