Tag: Bibliography

  • History of International Law

    Ancient History The need for some principles and rules of conduct between independent states arises whenever such states enter into mutual relations. Rules governing the treatment of foreign traders, travelers, and ambassadors, as well as the conclusion and observance of treaties, […]

  • Leff Dictionary of Law

    Hello The Leff Dictionary of Law The Leff Dictionary of Law, authored by Arthur A. Leff, was published in part by the Yale Law Journal in 1985. Arthur Leff was writing a legal dictionary at the time of his death. Book Review Even from the small samples we had tasted it was clear that the…

  • Jacques Derrida

    Jacques Derrida Jacques Derrida was born to a Sephardic Jewish family near Algiers in 1930 (and died on October 9, 2004), in what was then French Algeria. After World War II, Dorrida moved to France, where in 1950 he failed the entrance examination at the Ecole normale supérieure. Only in 1956 did he finally qualify.…

  • World Encyclopedia of Peace

    World Encyclopedia of Peace Publication details: 4 vols. New York: Pergamon Press, 1986. According to “Introduction to Research in International Law”(see Further Reading) this encyclopedic reference has “two predominant themes: peace research and peace activism. It is organized into four volumes. Volumes one and two contain articles arranged alphabetically by title. A comprehensive system of…

  • Legal citation and the Encyclopedia

    Legal Citation and the Encyclopedia See How to Cite the Encyclopedia Citation A Citation may be defined as a reference that identifies a particular case, law review article, book, statute or other resource. For example, in the United States, the citation for John v. Smith may be 820 U.S. 999 (1985). The case appears, therefore,…

  • Terrorism and law. Bibliography

    Terrorism and law. Bibliography Reference works Elizabeth Stubbins Bates, Terrorism and International Law : Accountability, Remedies, and Reform , 2011 Clive Walker, Terrorism and the Law, 2011 Bruce Hoffman, Inside Terrorism, 2006 Andrea Bianchi and Alexis Keller (eds.), Counterterrorism : Democracy’s Challenge, 2008 Andrea Bianchi and Yasmin Naqvi, International humanitarian law and Terrorism, 2011 Bibliographies…

  • Treaties. Bibliography and links

    Treaties Bibliography Introduction The most authoritative definition of a treaty can be found in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties . According to Article 2 of this multilateral agreement, a ‘treaty’ means ‘an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or…

  • Subjects of International Law. Bibliography

    Subjects of International Law Bibliography Reference works •Roselyn Higgins, Problems and process : international law and how we use it , 1995 •Malcolm Shaw , International Law, 2008 •James David Armstrong and Jutta Brune?e, Routledge handbook of international law, 2009 Books •BLIESEMANN DE GUEVARA, BERIT, Statebuilding and state-formation : the political sociology of intervention /…

  • Environment and international law. Bibliography

    Environment and international law. Bibliography International environmental law is a relatively new field in international law but reflects a rapid build-up of Treaties and global and regional conferences to deal with this important subject; unfortunately, policy results in this area of law have been somewhat disappointing. The global biosphere can be thought of as having…

  • Human rights and international law. Bibliography

    Human rights and international law. Bibliography The development of human rights for individuals and groups has been a radical departure from a state-system that originally allowed sovereign states to do as they wished at home including treating their citizens as governments pleased. Human rights have expanded across “three generations” from a concern with civil and…

  • International crimes and international law. Bibliography

    International crimes and international law. Bibliography Core international crimes are crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Crimes against peace have focused on aggression since the end of the Second World War, although aggression is difficult to define and as yet is not assigned to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court .…

  • Preventing war in international law. Bibliography

    Preventing war in international law. Bibliography The most ambitious undertaking of international law has been to create rules to prevent war or to control its conduct for humanitarian reasons once it begins. After important historical precedents, such as the Lieber Codes, laws on force centered first on the Hague Conventions at the turn into the…

  • Diplomacy and peace. Bibliography

    Diplomacy and peace. Bibliography Diplomacy exists to permit useful communications among states and IGOs to minimize conflict and maximize cooperation. Diplomacy is one of the oldest areas of international law evolving under customary rules which culminated into written conventions by the early 1960s. Diplomacy often relies on the help of third parties recognized in the…

  • Jurisdictions in international law. Bibliograpy

    Jurisdictions in international law. Bibliograpy Numerous jurisdictions exist permitting states to exercise authority over various spaces and persons. States exercise strong control over their air space, landed territory, and various seaward jurisdictions such as the 12-mile territorial sea along their coasts. Outer space, the High Seas , and the polar regions, especially Antarctica, are governed…

  • International law today

    International law today International law emerged as a functional necessity, as a set of rules for the Westphalia state system. International law spread from its Eurocentric base to become a global framework, especially after the break-up of colonial empires and the creation of numerous new states. The chief role of international law is to accommodate…