Stimson’s Law Dictionary
“A concise law dictionary of words, phrases, and maxims : with an explanatory list of abbreviations used in Law books “(1911). The Authors were Stimson, Frederic Jesup, 1855-1943 and Voorhees, Harvey Cortlandt, b. 1867. FREDERIC JESUP STIMSON was PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE LEGISLATION IN HARVARD and HARVEY CORTLANDT VOORHEES was lawyer in the Boston Bar and author of “the Law Of Arrest In Civil And Criminal Actions”
The publisher was Little, Brown and Company (Boston), both of this 1911 editon and the 1881 edition.
List of Legal Terms defined in the Dictionary
Note: for a list of French and Latin Legal Terms defined in the Dictionary, see here.
- Abadengo, span
- Abandon
- Abandonment
- Abatuda
- Abbaiaunce, abbaizance
- Abbreviations
- Abduction
- Abearance
- Abere-murder, sax
- Abet
- Abishersing
- Abjuration of the Realm
- Abnormal
- Abode
- Abolition
- Abortion
- Abortus
- About
- Abrogation
- Abscond
- Abstention
- Abuse of a female child
- Abuttals
- Abutter
- Acceleration
- Acceptance
- Acceptor
- Access
- Accessary
- Accessory
- Accident
- Accomenda, ital
- Accommodation paper
- Accomplice
- Accord
- Accouchement
- Account
- Accretion
- Accroach
- Accrue
- Accumulative sentence
- Accused
- Acknowledgment
- Acknowledgment-money
- Acquest
- Acquiescence
- Acquietantia, An acquittance; a release
- Acquire
- Acquittal
- Acquittance
- Act
- Acton Bumel
- Actual
- Actual damages
- Addition
- Additional
- Address
- Adeem
- Ademption
- Adjacent
- Adjective law
- Adjoining
- Adjourned term
- Adjudicataire
- Adjustment
- Admeasurement of dower
- Admeasurement of pasture
- Administration
- Administrator
- Admiralty
- Admissions
- Admittance
- Adsm., ads., ats
- Adult
- Adulteration
- Adultery
- Advancement
- Adventitious
- Adventure
- Adverse enjoyment
- Adverse possession
- Advisement
- Advocate
- Advocate, Lord
- Advocatus fisci
- Advowee
- Advowson
- Advowtry, advowterer
- AEdificare in tuo proprio solo non licet quod alteri noceat
- AEdiflcatum solo solo cedit
- Affect
- Affiance
- Affiant
- Affiliation
- Affirmant
- Affirmanti, non neganti, incumbit probatio
- Affirmation
- Affirmative pregnant
- Affray
- Aforethought
- After
- Aftermath
- Against
- Age
- Agenhine, awnhin, sax
- Agent
- Agent and patient
- Aggravation
- Aggrieved
- Agild, sax
- Agiler, sax
- Agio, ital
- Agnatio, I., Agnation
- Agrarian
- Agree
- Agreement
- Aid and comfort
- Aider
- Aider by verdict
- Aids
- Ajuar, span
- Alcalde, span
- Aleator
- Aleatory
- Alfet
- Alien
- Alienee
- Alienor
- Alimenta
- Alimony
- All
- Allegation
- Allegiance
- Alleging diminution
- Allision
- Allodial
- Allonge
- Allot
- Allotment note
- Alms
- Alnage
- Along
- Also
- Altarage
- Alteration
- Alternative
- Amalphitan Code
- Ambit
- Ambulatory
- Ambush
- Amenable, amesnable
- Amendment
- Amerciament, amercement
- Amicable action
- Amnesty
- Amotion
- Amparo, span
- Analogy
- Anarchy
- Ancestor
- Ancestral action
- Anchorage
- Ancient demesne or domain
- Ancient house
- Ancient lights
- Ancient writings
- Ancillary
- Animal
- Anno Domini
- Annuity
- Anonymous
- Answer
- Ante-date
- Ante-nuptial
- Anticipation
- Any
- Apartment
- Aphasia
- Apographia
- Apostles
- Apothecary
- Apparent danger
- Apparent heir
- Appearance
- Appellant
- Appellate
- Appellee
- Appendant
- Application of payments
- Appointee
- Apportionment
- Appraise
- Apprehension
- Apprentice
- Approach
- Approbate and reprobate
- Appropriation
- Approver
- Appurtenances
- Appurtenant
- Arbiter
- Arbitrament and award
- Arbitrary
- Arcarius
- Archdeacon
- Archives
- Arenales, span
- Argumentative
- Aristocracy
- Arles
- Arraign
- Array
- Arrears, arrearages
- Arrest of judgment
- Arrest The detention of a person by authority of law; see Voor
- Arriage and carriage
- Arrogation
- Arser in le main
- Arson
- Articled clerk
- Articles of Confederation
- Articles of Partnership
- Artificer
- Asphyxia
- Ass
- Assassination
- Assault
- Assembly unlawful
- Assets
- Asseveration
- Assignatus utitur jure auctoris
- Assignee, assign
- Assignment
- Assignor
- Assistance
- Associates
- Association
- Astitution
- Astrihilthet, sax
- At arm’s length
- Atha
- Atheist
- Attachiamenta bonorum
- Attainder
- Attaint
- Attempt
- Attendant terms
- Attestation
- Audencia, span
- Augmentation
- Autocracy
- Autonomy
- Auxilium
- Avaria
- Aver
- Average
- Aver-corn
- Averment
- Averum
- Avet
- Avoidance
- Avowry
- Avowtry
- Avulsion
- Award
- Away-going crop
- Ay
- Ayuntamiento, span
- Bacberend, sax
- Backing
- Backside
- Bad
- Bailee
- Bailiff
- Bailment
- Bailor
- Bailpiece
- Baldio, span
- Balius
- Ban, banns
- Bane
- Bank-note, bank-bill
- Bannitus
- Bar
- Bargain and sale
- Barratry
- Barretry
- Barrister
- Base fee
- Bastard
- Bastarda
- Bastardy process
- Battery
- Batture
- Bawdy house
- Beasts of the chase
- Bedel
- Behoof
- Bench
- Benefice
- Beneficiary
- Beneficium
- Benefit of clergy
- Benevolence
- Bequeath
- Bercaria
- Berghmote
- Bernet, sax
- Bestiality
- Betterment
- Bigamy
- Bilan
- Bilateral
- Biline
- Bill
- Binding over
- Bitch
- Black Book of the Admiralty
- Blank bar
- Blasphemy
- Blodwite, sax
- Bloody hand
- Boarder
- Boc, sax
- Boc-land
- Book of acts
- Boom
- Boon-days
- Booty
- Bordlands
- Borgh, borg, sax
- Borrow
- Boscage
- Boscus
- Bote, boot, sax
- Bottomry, bummaree
- Bought and sold notes
- Boundary
- Bozero, span
- Bracton
- Breach of close
- Breaking
- Brehon law
- Bribery
- Brief
- Brigbote, brugbote, sax
- Brocage, brokerage
- Brothel
- Bulk
- Bundling
- Burden of proof
- Burg
- Burgbote
- Burgomaster
- Burking
- Business
- Butts and bounds
- Buying of titles
- By-bidding
- By-laws
- C.B.
- C.O.D.
- Çà,fr
- Ca. resp., Ca. sa.
- Caballeria, span
- Cacicazgos, span
- Cadi
- Caducary
- Caesarian operation
- Call
- Cambist
- Campertum
- Cancellation
- Candidate
- Cantred
- Capital crime
- Capital stock
- Capitation
- Carat
- Care
- Cargo
- Carlisle tables
- Carnal
- Carnal knowledge
- Carrier
- Carry
- Cartel
- Carvage, carucage
- Case
- Cast
- Castle guard or ward
- Casual
- Casual ejector
- Casualty
- Cataneus
- Catchpole
- Cattle
- Cattle-gate
- Cautioner
- Caveator
- Ceapgild, sax
- Cede
- Cedent
- Cedula, span
- Celibacy
- Cenegild, sax
- Cenninga
- Cens
- Censaria
- Censo, span
- Certainty
- Certificate of deposit
- Certificate, trial by
- Certification of assize
- Certified check
- Cesionario, span
- Cesser, cessure
- Cessionary
- Chamber
- Champarty, champerty
- Champertor
- Chance
- Chance-medley
- Chancery
- Chantry, chauntry
- Chapelry
- Character
- Charge
- Charter-land
- Charter-party
- Chase, chace
- Chastity
- Chaud-medley
- Cheat
- Check, cheque
- Chevantia
- Chiltem Hundreds
- Chippingavel
- Chirgemote, chirchgemote, sax
- Chirograph
- Chivalry
- Christian
- Christian name
- Christianitatis curia
- Christianity
- Church
- Churl
- Cinque ports
- Circar
- Circuit
- Citacion, span
- Citizen
- Civil
- Claim
- Clarendon, Constitutions of
- Clause
- Clearance
- Clearing-house
- Clergy
- Clerk
- Close
- Clough
- Club
- Cocket
- Code
- Codicil
- Coercion
- Cognation
- Cognizance, cognisance, conusance
- Cognizor, conusor
- Cognomen
- Cohabit
- Coif
- Collateral
- Collation to a benefice
- Collega
- Collocation
- Collusion
- Combat
- Combe
- Comfort
- Comites
- Commendatus
- Commissary
- Commission
- Commitment
- Commodato, span
- Common
- Common, tenancy in
- Commonable
- Commons
- Communi dividendo
- Communings
- Commutation
- Commutation of tithes
- Comparative negligence
- Compensacion, span
- Compensation
- Competent
- Complaint
- Composition
- Compromise
- Conceal
- Concessor
- Concilium
- Conclude
- Concubine
- Concur
- Concurrent
- Concussion
- Condictio
- Condition
- Conditional fee
- Conditional limitation
- Conditional sale
- Condonacion, span
- Conduct-money
- Cone and key
- Confederation
- Confession
- Confession and avoidance
- Confidential communications
- Confirmation
- Confiscare
- Confitens reus
- Conflict of laws
- Confusion of rights
- Conjectio causae
- Conjecture
- Conjugal rights
- Conjuration
- Connivance
- Connubium
- Conocimiento, span
- Consanguinity
- Conscionable
- Consent
- Consent rule
- Consequential damages
- Conservator
- Consideration
- Consignee
- Consignment
- Consignor
- Consiliarius
- Consilium
- Consisting
- Consolato del mare
- Consolidation rule
- Consort
- Conspiracy
- Constate
- Constating instruments
- Constitutional
- Constructio legis non facit injuriam
- Construction
- Constructive
- Construe
- Consul
- Consummate
- Contempt
- Contentious
- Contiguous
- Contingency
- Contingency with a double aspect
- Contingent
- Contingent estate
- Contingent remainder
- Continual claim
- Continuance
- Contraband
- Contracausator
- Contraescritura, span
- Contribution
- Contributory
- Controver
- Contumacy
- Contumax
- Contusion
- Conventional
- Conversion
- Cooling time
- Coparcenary
- Copartner
- Copartnership
- Copy
- Copyhold
- Co-respondent
- Corn
- Cornage
- Corporal
- Corporal oath
- Corporation
- Corporeal
- Corpse
- Corregidor, span
- Corsepresent
- Corsned, sax
- Cosbering
- Costs
- Cotland
- Cottage
- Count
- Counterclaim
- Counterplea
- Counter-roll
- Country
- County corporate
- Court
- Court-lands
- Coututlaugh, Sax
- Covenant
- Covenant to stand seised
- Covenantee
- Covenantor
- Covert
- Covin
- Cranage
- Crave
- Craven, sax
- Creditor
- Creditors’ bill
- Crementum comitatus
- Cretio
- Crim
- Crime
- Criminal conversation
- Criminal law
- Croft
- Cropper
- Cross action
- Crossed cheque
- Crown
- Crown law
- Crude
- Cul de sac
- Culpable
- Culprit
- Cumulative
- Cure of souls
- Current
- Cursitors
- Curtesy, Curtesy of England
- Custodia
- Custom of merchants
- Customary estate
- Customs
- Dacion, span
- Damages
- Damni injuria actio
- Danelage
- Dangerous weapon
- Dative
- Day
- Dead freight
- Deadly weapon
- Deafforest
- Dealer
- Dean and chapter
- Debauch
- Debt
- Debtee
- Debtor
- Decalogue
- Deceit
- Decern, sc
- Deciner, desiner, dozyner, etc
- Declaration
- Declaratory
- Declare
- Declinatory plea
- Decree, decreet, sc
- Decretal order
- Decretum Gratiani
- Dedication
- Deed
- Deem
- Deemster
- Defamation
- Defeasance
- Defeneration
- Defensive allegation
- Definitive
- Defloration
- Defossion
- Defraudacion, span
- Degrading
- Degree of relationship
- Dejacion, span
- Del credere, ital
- Delate, sc
- Delatura
- Deliverance
- Delivery
- Dem
- Demandant
- Demise
- Demise and re-demise
- Demonetize
- Demonstrative legacy
- Demur
- Demurrage
- Demurrer
- Denarii
- Denizen
- Denouncement
- Denuntiatio
- Deodand
- Departure
- Depone
- Deponent
- Deportation
- Depose
- Deposit
- Deposition
- Deputy
- Derelict
- Derogation
- Desafuero, span
- Descend
- Descent
- Deslinde, span
- Desmemorialdos, span
- Desperate
- Despitus
- Desrenable
- Desuetude
- Detainer
- Determinable
- Determinate
- Determine
- Devest
- Devise
- Devisee
- Devisor
- Devoir
- Devolution
- Devolve
- Di colonna, ital
- Dictate
- Dictores
- Dictum, pl. dicta
- Dignity
- Dilacion, span
- Dilapidation
- Dilatory plea
- Diminution of the record
- Diocese
- Diplomatic agent
- Dipsomania
- Diriment impediments
- Disability
- Disaffirmance
- Disbar
- Discharge
- Disclaimer
- Discontinuance
- Discontinuous servitude
- Discovery
- Discretionary trust
- Disentailing deed
- Disgavel
- Disherison
- Dishonor
- Disjunctive allegations
- Disorderly house
- Disparagement
- Dispone, sc
- Dispose
- Disputatio fori
- Dispute
- Disseisee
- Disseisin
- Disseisor
- Distracted person
- Distrain
- Distress
- Distribution
- Disturbance
- Dites ouster
- Dittay, sc
- Diversity
- Divest
- Dockage
- Docket
- Doctors’ Commons
- Document
- Dole
- Dolo, span
- Domain
- Dombec, domboc, sax
- Dome, doom, sax
- Domesmen
- Domicil
- Domicil of origin
- Dominant tenement
- Donatarius
- Donor
- Dormant
- Dormant partners
- Dot
- Dotage
- Dote, span
- Dowager
- Dower
- Dowress
- Dowry
- Draft
- Dragoman
- Dram
- Drawback
- Droitural
- Druggist
- Dry exchange
- Dubitatur, abb
- Due-bill
- Dungeon
- Dunnage
- Duplicity
- Duress
- Dusty foot
- Dwlling house
- Dying without issue
- Dynasty
- Dysnomy
- E. g.; abb
- Earnest
- Earnings
- Easement
- East Greenwich
- Easter term
- Eberemord, sax
- Edict
- Educate
- Effects
- Effigy
- Effraction
- Eik, sc
- Either
- Ejection
- Ejectment
- Ejercitoria, span
- Ejidos, span
- Elected
- Elector
- Eleemosynary
- Elements
- Eligible
- Elisors
- Ell
- Elopement
- Eluviones
- Embargo
- Embezzlement
- Emblements
- Embraceor
- Embracery
- Emigrant
- Emigration
- Eminent domain
- Emit
- Emolument
- Emphyteusis
- Emplazamiento, span
- Emprestito, span
- Enabling powers
- Enabling Statute
- Enact
- Enajenacion, span
- Encroach
- Endowment
- Enfeoff
- Enfranchisement
- Engross
- Enjoin
- Enlarge
- Enlistment
- Enroll
- Entail
- Entice
- Entrega, span
- Entrepôt
- Entry
- Enure
- Eod’
- Epiqueya, span
- Episcopus
- Epistolae
- Equitable assets
- Equitatura
- Equity of redemption
- Equivocal
- Erosion
- Error
- Escape
- Escape warrant
- Escheat
- Escheator
- Escribano, span
- Escrow
- Escuage
- Esketores
- Esnecy
- Espera
- Esplees
- Esquire
- Esse
- Essoign, essoin
- Estadal, span
- Estadia, span
- Estimate
- Estop
- Estoppel
- Estray
- Estreat
- Estrepe
- Eundo, morando, et redeundo
- Eunomy
- Event
- Eviction
- Evidence
- Exaction
- Excessive bail
- Exchange
- Exchequer
- Excise
- Excusable homicide
- Executed
- Execution
- Executive
- Executor
- Executory
- Exemplification
- Exhibitant
- Exigible
- Existing
- Exoneration
- Expatriation
- Expectancy
- Exposure of the person
- Express
- Extend
- Extent
- Extenuation
- Extinguishment
- Extradition
- Extrajudicial
- Extra-territorial
- Extrinsic
- Ey
- Eyott
- Eyre
- F.O.B.
- Fabric lands
- Facsimile
- Fact
- Factor
- Factorizing process
- Faestingmen
- Fail
- Failing of record
- Fairly
- Faith and credit
- Faithful
- Falcidia, span
- Falda, span
- Faldae cursus
- Faldage
- Faldata
- Fallo, span
- Fallow land
- Falsify
- Falso retorno brevium
- Falsonarius
- Famacide
- Family
- Fanega, span
- Farm
- Farrier
- Fast estate
- Fatuum judicium
- Fealty
- Fee
- Feigned issue
- Felonious homicide
- Felony
- Femicide
- Feneration
- Feoffee
- Feoffee to uses
- Feoffment
- Feoh, sax
- Feorme, ferme, sax
- Ferdfare, sax
- Ferita
- Ferrator
- Festingman
- Fetters
- Feudal
- Feudo, span
- Fianza, span
- Fiar, sc
- Fiduciary
- Fiel, span
- Field
- Fieldad, span
- Fifteenths
- Fight
- Fightwite, sax
- Filacers, filizers
- Filare
- Filiate
- Filiation
- Filius, 2
- Filly
- Final
- Fine
- Finem facere
- Firm
- First-fruits
- Fisc
- Fiscal
- Fish royal
- Fitzherbert
- Fixture
- Fledwit, Flightwite
- Flem, sax
- Fleta
- Fleth, flet, sax
- Flichwite
- Float
- Floating capital
- Flotages
- Flotsam
- Fluctus
- Flumen
- Fluvious
- Focage
- Foderum
- Foemina vero co-operta
- Foesa
- Foeticide
- Foetura
- Foetus
- Foi
- Foiterers
- Folc land, sax
- Fold-course
- Folgarii, folgers
- Folio
- Fonsadera, span
- Fontana
- Foraneus
- Forcible entry or detainer
- Foreclosure
- Foreign
- Forejudge
- Forest
- Forestall
- Forgavel
- Forgery
- Forisfamiliated
- Forma
- Formata brevia
- Formedon
- Fornication
- Forprise
- Forswear
- Fortaxed
- Forthcoming bond
- Foster-loan
- Foundling
- Four corners
- Four seas
- Franchise
- Franclaine, franklyn
- Francus homo
- Frankalmoign
- Franking privilege
- Fratriage
- Fratricide
- Fraud
- Frauds, Statute of
- Fredum
- Free alms
- Freight
- Frendlesman, sax
- Freoborgh, sax., free burrow or borow
- Frequent
- Fresh disseisin
- Frettum
- Fretum
- Friborgh
- Fribusculum
- Frigidity
- Frivolous
- Frussura
- Frutos, span
- Frythe, sax
- Fuage, fumage
- Fuera de guerra, span
- Fuero de castilla, span
- Fuero de correos y caminas, span
- Fuero de marima, span
- Fuero juzgo, span
- Fuero municipal, span
- Fuero, span
- Fugator
- Fugitation, sc
- Full age
- Fungible
- Furiosity
- Further assurance
- Furtively
- Fustigatio
- Gage
- Gajum
- Gamacta
- Gamble
- Ganancial, span
- Ganancias, span
- Gaol delivery
- Gardein
- Gardianus
- Garnishee
- Garrote
- Garth
- Gate
- Gavel
- Gavelet
- Gavelkind
- Geld, gild, sax
- Gelding
- Gemote, sax
- Geneath, sax
- General agent
- Genuine
- Genus
- Gerefa, sax
- Gestation
- Gift
- Gildale
- Gist
- Glyn
- Go
- God bote
- Goldsmiths’ notes
- Good abearing
- Graft
- Grand assize
- Grange
- Grant
- Grantee
- Grantor
- Grassum
- Grava
- Gravatio
- Gravis
- Great Seal
- Great tithes
- Gregorian epoch
- Gremio, span
- Greva
- Greve
- Grith, sax
- Grith-brech, sax
- Gronna
- Gross
- Grossement
- Ground rent
- Guaranty
- Guia, span
- Gule of August
- Gwabr merched, bril
- Gwalstow
- Habeas Corpus Act
- Habentia
- Habit
- Habit and repute, sc
- Hacienda, span
- Haereda
- Haga
- Haill
- Haimsucken, sc
- Half-blood
- Hallazco, span
- Halmote
- Halywercfolk, sax
- Ham, sax
- Hamel
- Hamma
- Hanaper office
- Hand
- Handborow
- Handhabend
- Handsale
- Hangwite, sax
- Hanse towns
- Hantelode
- Hard cases
- Harth-penny
- Hat-money
- Haugh
- Haw
- Hawgh, howgh
- Hayward
- Headborow
- Head-note
- Hearsay
- Hearth-money
- Heat of passion
- Hedge-bote
- Heir
- Heirloom
- Henghen, sax
- Heptarchy
- Heredad, span
- Heredero, span
- Hereditament
- Heresy
- Heriot
- Heritable and movable rights, sc
- Heritor
- Hermandad, span
- Hermaphrodites
- Hermer
- Herondes
- Hesia
- Heybote
- Hidage
- Hidalgo, span
- Hide
- Hidel
- High sea
- High-water mark
- Higler
- Higuela, span
- Hind, hine, sax
- Hipoteca, span
- Hirst, hurst
- Hoga
- Hogenhyne, agenhyne, sax
- Holm
- Holografo, span
- Holograph
- Holt, sax
- Hombre bueno, span
- Homestead
- Homiplagium
- Homologacion, span
- Homologation
- Hoo
- Hope
- Hordera
- Horn tenure
- Hornbook
- Hospiticide
- Hotchpot
- Hough
- How, howe
- Hue and cry
- Huebra, span
- Hullus
- Humagium
- Hundred
- Hurst
- Husbrece
- Huscarle, sax
- Hypothetical question
- Hysterotomy
- Hythe, sax
- Ictus
- Ignominy
- Illicit
- Illocable
- Illusory appointment
- Immemorial
- Impanel
- Imparlance
- Imparsonee
- Impeachment of waste
- Impedimento, span
- Implead
- Impound
- Impressment
- Imprisonment
- Impristi
- Improper feud
- Impropriation
- Improve, sc
- Imputation of payments
- In action
- In
- Inblaura
- Incendiary
- Incest
- Inchoate
- Inclosure
- Incompatibility
- Incontinence
- Incumbent
- Incumbrance
- Inde
- Indefeasible
- Indefinite failure of issue
- Indenture
- Independent contractor
- Indicare
- Indiction
- Indorsee
- Indorsement
- Inducement
- Induction
- Indulto, span
- Infangthefe, sax
- Infant
- Infanticide
- Infanzon, span
- Infeft, sc
- Infeodation, infeudation
- Inference
- Infirmative
- Information
- Inheritable blood
- Inheritance
- Inhibition
- Initiate
- Injunction
- Inlagh
- Inland bill of exchange
- Innocent
- Innovation
- Inns of Chancery
- Inns of Court
- Inoficiocidad, span
- Inquest
- Insensible
- Insinuacion, span
- Inspection, Trial by
- Instance Court The ordinary Court of Admiralty, as distinct from the Prize Coiirt; see the entry on types of courts, 91
- Instancia, span
- Institutio, institution
- Insurance
- Intendenta, span
- Intendment of law
- Intercommoning
- Interim order
- Interlineation
- Interlocutor, sc
- Interlocutory
- Intern
- International law
- Interrogatories
- Intestable
- Intestate
- Intromission
- Intrusion
- Inure
- Investiture
- Irrecusable
- Irrigation
- Irritancy, sc
- Issuable
- Issue
- Jactitation
- Javelour
- Jeofails, Statute of
- Jeopardy
- Jetsom, jettison
- Joinder
- Joint
- Joint and several
- Joint tenants
- Jointure
- Journeys accounts
- Jubilacion, span
- Jucio de apeo, span
- Judge advocate
- Judicial admission or confession
- Judicial notice
- Juicio, span
- Juridical
- Jurisprudence
- Juristic act
- Jury
- Justice
- Justiciar
- Justicies
- Justifying bail
- K.B.
- Kavil
- Keelage
- Keeper of the Forest
- Kelp-shore
- Kenning to a terce
- Kiddle
- Kidnapping
- Kill
- Kin
- Kirby’s quest
- Kleptomania
- Knave
- Knight’s fee
- Knights of the shire
- Knight-service
- Label
- Labourers, Statutes of
- Laches
- Lagan, sax
- Lage
- Laity
- Landboc, sax
- Landcheap
- Landea
- Land-gable
- Lapidation
- Lapse
- Larceny
- Las partidas, span
- Last heir
- Lathe
- Law
- Lawe
- Lawful
- Lawing of dogs
- Lawless Court
- Lawnde, lounde
- Lay
- Lay days
- Lea, ley
- Lease
- Lease and release
- Leccator
- Legacy
- Legatary
- Legatee
- Leipa
- Leod
- Lese majesty
- Lessa
- Lessor of the plaintiff
- Leswes
- Let
- Letters
- Levari facias
- Levees
- Levis culpa
- Levy
- Libel
- Libellant
- Libellee
- Liberation
- Liberty
- Liblac
- Licenciado, span
- Licentiousness
- Lidford law
- Lie
- Liege
- Lien
- Ligeance
- Limited company
- Lineal
- Liquidated
- Literal
- Litigiosity
- Litigious right
- Litispendencia, span
- Littleton
- Littoral
- Livery
- Local venue
- Locataire
- Location
- Log
- Log-rolling
- Lowers
- Lucrative succession, sc
- Lunar
- Lytae
- Maeg
- Maere
- Magistrate
- Maiden assize
- Mainpernours
- Mainprise
- Mainsworn
- Maintenance
- Make law, To
- Malandrinus
- Malice
- Malicious prosecution
- Manbote, sax
- Mancomunal, span
- Mandamiento, span
- Mandare
- Manifest
- Manor
- Manrent
- Manslaughter
- Manumission
- Manure
- Marches
- Marital
- Market overt
- Marksman
- Marleberge, marlbridge
- Marque and reprisal, Letters of
- Marriage
- Marshal
- Mart
- Martial law
- Masters in Chancery
- Matelotage
- Math
- Matricide
- Matter in deed
- Media annata
- Medical jurisprudence
- Medscheat
- Menace
- Mercenlage, sax
- Mercy
- Mere, sax
- Meretricious
- Merger
- Merton, Statute of
- Messuage
- Metatus
- Metegavel, sax
- Metes and bounds
- Metropolitan
- Michaelmas Term
- Michelgemote
- Michery
- Mieses, span
- Mina
- Minus
- Miscegenation
- Miscontinuance
- Misdemeanor
- Misfeasance
- Misjoinder
- Misnomer
- Mispleading
- Misprision
- Misstaicus
- Mistery
- Misuser
- Mitigation
- Mittomus
- Modius
- Moerda
- Moiety
- Money counts
- Monition
- Monocracy
- Moot
- Moot court
- Morganatic marriage
- Mortgagee
- Mortgagor
- Mortmain
- Mortuary
- Mote, sax
- Motion
- Multifarious
- Multiplicity of suits
- Multure
- Municipal corporation
- Muniments, miniments
- Mutation
- N.E.I.
- Naked
- Naked trust
- Namium
- Nasciturus
- Natio
- Native habendo
- Natural children
- Natural day
- Natural heirs
- Naturalization
- Navigable
- Navigation Act
- Near
- Nearest
- Neat, net
- Necessaries
- Negative condition
- Negative pregnant
- Neglect
- Negligence
- Negotiable
- Negotiate
- Never indebted
- New assignment
- Next friend
- Next of kin
- Nominal damages
- Nonability
- Nonage
- Nonclaim
- Nonfeasance
- Nonjoinder
- Nonjuror
- Nonsuit
- Nontenure
- Nonterm
- Nonuser
- Normal law
- Notary
- Notorious
- Notoriously
- Novels
- Novigild
- Noxious
- Nuisance
- Nuncio
- Nuncupative will
- O.N.B.
- Object of a trust
- Oblations
- Obligation
- Obligor
- Obloquy
- Obrogation
- Obscene
- Obvious
- Occasio
- Occupancy
- Occupant
- Octave
- Officer de facto
- Offspring
- Oleron
- Olograph, olographic
- Oneratio
- Onerous
- Onomastic
- Open for business
- Open law
- Operation of law
- Opp’
- Opposite
- Option
- Or
- Oral
- Orator
- Ordeal
- Ordenamiento, span
- Order
- Ordinance
- Ordinary
- Ore leave
- Orphan’s Court
- Outer bar
- Outfangthefe, sax
- Outlaw
- Outlawry
- Outstanding term
- Overt
- Owling
- Oxgang, oxgate
- P.C.
- P.P.
- Pacare
- Pace
- Pack
- Package
- Packing a jury
- Pains and penalties, Bill of
- Palatine
- Pandects
- Panel, panell
- Paper-book
- Parage
- Paranoia
- Paraphernalia, parapherna
- Parceners
- Pardon
- Parish
- Park
- Paroche
- Partition
- Partnership
- Party-wall
- Patent
- Patricide
- Patron
- Patroon
- Pauper
- Pawn
- Payments, appropriation, application
- Peculiar
- Peddler
- Peer
- Penal
- Pent road
- Peonia, span
- Peremptory
- Perfecting bail
- Performance
- Perils of the sea
- Perishable goods
- Perjury
- Permanent
- Permanent abode
- Permanent employment
- Permission
- Permissive waste
- Permutation
- Pernancy
- Perpetuity
- Perquisites
- Personable
- Personal
- Personalty
- Pesquidor, span
- Peter’s pence
- Petition
- Petitory suit
- Pettifogger
- Pharos
- Phrenasthenia
- Physical fact
- Picaroon
- Piccage
- Pickery, sc
- Pightel
- Pignorative contract
- Pilfer
- Pimp
- Pin-money
- Piperolls
- Piscary
- Pixing the coin
- Place
- Plaint
- Plaintiff
- Plea
- Pleader
- Pleading
- Plebeian
- Pledge
- Plegii de retorno habendo
- Plenarty
- Plenary
- Ploughbote
- Plunderage
- Poaching
- Pocket judgment
- Pocket sheriff
- Poinding, sc
- Police power
- Policy
- Poll
- Pollicitation
- Polyandry
- Polygamy
- Pontage
- Port of discharge
- Port risk
- Portgreve
- Portsales
- Positive condition
- Positive law
- Possessed
- Possession
- Possessory
- Possibility
- Post
- Posteriority
- Posterity
- Posthumous
- Post-note
- Postuati
- Postulatio
- Potentially
- Potestas
- Potwallers, potwallopers
- Pound breach
- Poundage
- Poustie, sc
- Poverty affidavit
- Power
- Practicing
- Praecipitium
- Praed
- Praedial tithes
- Praxis judicum interpres legum
- Prebendary
- Precatory words
- Precept
- Predicate
- Predominant
- Pre-emption
- Pre-existing debt
- Premeditation
- Premises
- Premium
- Prepense
- Prerogative
- Prescribe
- Present
- Presentation
- Presentment, presentation
- Presents
- Pretorium
- Pride gavel
- Primage
- Primogenitus
- Principal
- Private act, statute
- Privement enceinte
- Privignus
- Privilege
- Privileged communication
- Privilegium clericale
- Privity
- Probable cause
- Probate
- Probation officer
- Procedure
- Process
- Proclamation
- Proctor
- Procurations
- Procurator
- Procurator fiscal
- Prodigal
- Profert, profert ad curiam
- Profit à prendre
- Prohibition
- Proletarius
- Promisee
- Promisor
- Promoters
- Property
- Propios, span
- Proponent
- Proportum
- Propositus
- Propound
- Prosecutor
- Protection
- Protest
- Protestation
- Prothonotary
- Protocol
- Protocolo, span
- Prover
- Public act
- Publication
- Publici juris
- Publish
- Pudicity
- Puffer
- Puis, puys, puz, etc., Jr
- Purchase
- Purgation
- Purlieu
- Pursue, sc
- Putative
- Pyromania
- Q.B.
- Q.C.
- Q.V.
- Quadroon
- Quantity of estate
- Quarantine
- Quash
- Queen consort
- Queen dowager
- Quitclaim
- Quota
- Rachetum
- Rack rent
- Ratify
- Ratihabitation
- Real
- Reasonable part
- Reassurance
- Rebouter
- Recaption
- Receipt
- Receiptor
- Receiver
- Receivers’ certificates
- Recession
- Recidivist
- Recognizance
- Recognize
- Record
- Recordum
- Recoupment
- Recourse, without
- Recovery
- Recreant
- Recrimination
- Recto, De
- Rector
- Rectum
- Recussor
- Red Book of the Exchequer
- Redeem
- Redemption
- Redhibition
- Redisseisin
- Reduction into possession
- Reduction, sc
- Redundancy
- Re-entry
- Reeve, sax
- Refalo
- Refection
- Reg. gen
- Regard
- Regardant
- Regicide
- Regidor, span
- Register’s Court
- Regnal years
- Regrating
- Regular clergy
- Rehabilitate
- Rejoinder
- Relative powers
- Relative rights
- Relator
- Release
- Relegatio
- Reliction
- Rem
- Remainder
- Remitter
- Renounce probate
- Renovant
- Rent
- Repleader
- Replevin
- Repliant
- Replication
- Reprisal
- Reprobatur, sc
- Reputable
- Reputation
- Resceit
- Rescript
- Reset
- Resiant
- Residuary
- Resist
- Resolutive, resolutory
- Resources
- Respondent
- Respondentia
- Resseiser
- Rests
- Resulting trust or use
- Retainer
- Retortion
- Retroactive
- Return
- Reverser, sc
- Reversion
- Reversionary lease
- Reverter
- Revocation
- Revocatur
- Rhodian law
- Ribaud
- Rifflare
- Right
- Right, writ of
- Riot
- Riparian proprietors
- Robbator
- Roman law
- Romescot
- Roturier
- Roup, sc
- Rout
- Royal court
- Rubric
- Rule
- S
- Sac
- Sacaburth, saccabor, sax
- Sacrilege
- Safe pledge
- Safeguard
- Said
- Saio
- Salic law
- Salvage
- Salvus plegius
- Sanctuary
- Sanis
- Sart
- Satisdatio
- Sc
- Scan, mag., scandalum magnatum
- Schireman
- Sci. fa
- Scienter
- Sciregemot, scyregmot, sax
- Scot
- Scrivener
- Scroll
- Scutifer
- Sea letter
- Search, right of
- Sea-shore
- Sebastomania
- Second deliverance
- Section
- Secular
- Sedition
- See
- Seised
- Seized, seizin, etc
- Semestria
- Senility
- Sequestration
- Serious
- Serjeanty
- Serve
- Service
- Session laws
- Session, Court of
- Seti
- Set-off
- Settlement
- Sever
- Several
- Severance
- Shave
- Shelley’s Case
- Ship’s-husband
- Shire-mote
- Shrievalty
- Si, cy,fr
- Sign manual
- Similar
- Simony
- Simulation
- Sinking fund
- Sitio
- Six clerks
- Slander
- Slander of title
- Socer
- Socman
- Sodomy
- Solar day
- Solares, span
- Solicitors
- Solvere
- Soon
- Sortitio
- Soul-scot
- Sounding in damages
- Sovereign
- Specialty
- Spiritual courts
- Spiritualities
- Spouse breach
- Spulzie, spuilzie, sc
- SS
- Stable-stand
- Stallage
- Standing mute
- Stating part of a bill in equity
- Statute-merchant
- Statutory release
- Steelbow goods
- Stellionate
- Stere
- Steth, stede
- Stint
- Stipulation
- Stoppage in transitu
- Stowe
- Strict settlement
- Strip
- Stultify
- Stumpage
- Subinfeudation
- Subornation
- Subrogation
- Subscribe
- Substantive law
- Substituted service
- Subtraction
- Suerte, span
- Suffragan
- Suffrage
- Suggestion
- Suit
- Suitors’ fund
- Summary
- Summing up
- Summum jus
- Sumptuary laws
- Superfoetation
- Superstitious uses
- Supplementary proceedings
- Suppletory oath
- Surcharge
- Surety
- Suretyship
- Surface waters
- Surrebutter
- Surrejoinder
- Surrender
- Surrogate
- Swein
- Syb and som, sax
- Syllabus
- Syndic
- Syngraph
- Synod
- T.R.E.
- Tacit law
- Tacking
- Tail
- Tailzie, sc
- Taini, thaini
- Tale
- Talmud
- Taltarum’s Case
- Tanistry
- Tanteo, span
- Team
- Tedding
- Teinds, sc
- Teinland, sax
- Temporalities
- Tenant
- Tenant-right
- Tender
- Tenement
- Tenths
- Tenure
- Term
- Terminum qui praeteriit
- Termor
- Terra nova
- Testacy
- Testate
- Testmoigne
- Theft
- Theft-bote
- Thegn
- Thellusson Act
- Thesmothete
- Thirlage, sc
- Thrithing, sax
- Tiempo inhabil
- Timber
- Time immemorial, time out of memory
- Tipstaff
- Tithes
- Tithing
- Toll
- Tor, sax
- Tot
- Tourn
- To-wit
- Toxicology
- Transcript
- Travail
- Traverse
- Treasure trove
- Treaty
- Treble costs
- Trebucket
- Trespass
- Trespasser ab initio
- Trial
- Triers, triors
- Trigamus
- Trigild
- Trinity term
- Tripartite
- Triplication
- Tronage
- Trover
- True copy
- Trust
- Trustee
- Trustee process
- Tumbrell
- Tun, sax
- Turbary
- Turpitude
- Twyne’s Case
- Tyrrell’s Case
- Udal
- Ultimate facts
- Unconscionable bargain
- Uncuth, sax
- Underlease
- Uniformity of Process Act
- Unilateral
- Unity
- Universities Courts
- Unlage
- Unlawful assembly
- Unliquidated damages
- Usage
- Usance
- Use
- User
- Usufruct
- Usury
- Uterine
- Utland, sax
- Utter
- Utter, sax
- Uxorcide
- V
- Vacant
- Vagueness
- Valuable consideration
- Vara
- Variance
- Vassal
- Vectura
- Venal
- Vendition
- Veray
- Verbal
- Verd
- Verderor
- Verdict
- Verey, very, verray
- Verification
- Vert
- Vest
- Vetera statuta
- Vic’
- Vicar
- Vicontiel
- Vidua
- Viduity
- Vie, fr
- View
- Vill
- Villanous judgment
- Villein
- Vintner
- Viz
- Void
- Voidance
- Voluntary
- Volunteer
- Vouch
- Voucher
- Vs
- Wadset, sc
- Wage
- Wager of law
- Wager-policy
- Waif
- Wainable
- Waive
- Wantonly
- Wapentake
- Warden
- Wardship
- Warrandice, sc
- Warrant
- Warrant
- Warranty
- Warren
- Waste
- Waveson
- Way
- Waygoing crop
- Weald, sax
- Wear, weir
- Welsh mortgage
- Welshing
- Were, sax
- Westminster
- Wharfinger
- When
- White rents
- Whole blood
- Wic, wyk, sax
- Wild’s Case
- Wills, Statute of
- Winchester, Winton, Statute of
- Wirta
- Wisbuy, Laws of
- Wite, sax
- Witenagemote
- Withdrawing a juror
- Without day
- Witness
- Wold, sax
- Wolfshead
- Woodgeld
- Woodmote
- Worth, weorth, sax
- Wreck
- Writ
- Yard-land
- Year to year
- Year, day, and waste
- Yeoman
- Yeven, yeoven
- York
- Particular average, lien
- Fire bote
- Queen’s Bench
- Speaking demurrer
- Office, office found
- Petty
- Specific legacy, traverse
- Sufferance
- Leading a use
- King’s Bench
- Foreign attachment
- Legal assets
- Military Court
See Also
- Mozley and Whiteley’s Law Dictionary
- International Law: A Dictionary
- Historical Dictionary of International Tribunals
- Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary
- Dictionary of International and Comparative Law
- List of Legal Dictionaries
- Black’s Law Dictionary
- Legal Abbreviations, Historical
- Bouvier’s Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia, 1914
References and Further Reading
About the Author/s and Reviewer/s
Author: international