Sources and Branches of the Law
Hierarchical Display of Sources and branches of the law
Sources and branches of the law
Concept of Sources and branches of the law
See the dictionary definition of Sources and branches of the law.
Characteristics of Sources and branches of the law
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Translation of Sources and branches of the law
- Spanish: Fuentes y ramas del Derecho
- French: Sources et branches du droit
- German: Rechtsquellen und Rechtsdisziplinen
- Italian: Fonti e branche del diritto
- Portuguese: Fontes e ramos do direito
- Polish: źródła i dziedziny prawa
Thesaurus of Sources and branches of the law
Law > Sources and branches of the law
See also
- Economic analysis
- Econometrics
- Economic indicator
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Economic structure
- Impact study
- Economic consequence
- Input-output analysis
- Economic survey
- Economic value
- Economics
- Economic forecasting
- Economist
- Economics science researcher
- Economics analyst
- Business economist