Search results for: “sale at less than fair value”

  • International Arbitration, Historical

    International Arbitration International arbitration is a proceeding in which two nations refer their differences to one or more selected persons, who, after affording to each party an opportunity of being heard, pronounce judgment on the matters at issue. It is understood, unless otherwise expressed, that the judgment shall be in accordance with the law by…

  • List of Authors to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution

    List of Authors to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution Main Entries: List of Entries and Authors of the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution Encyclopedia of the American Constitution Listing of entries to the Encyclopedia by Author: Benjamin Aaron Professor of Law, Emeritus University of California, Los Angeles LABOR AND THE ANTITRUST LAWS Henry J.…

  • List of Entries and Authors of the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution

    List of Articles and Contributors of the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution Main Entry: the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. List of Authors by Entry (A-Z): ADEQUATE STATE GROUNDS Kenneth L. Karst ADKINS V. CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Leonard W. Levy ADLER V. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF CITY OF NEW YORK Martin Shapiro ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES Joseph Vining…

  • Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy

    The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy Editions First edition: October 1999 Number of Pages: 452 Editors: Joseph J. Cordes, Robert D. Ebel, Jane G. Gravelle Publisher: Urban Institute Press Language: English ISBN-10: 0877666822 ISBN-13: 978-0877666820 Second edition: November 30, 2005 Editors: Joseph J. Cordes, Robert D. Ebel, and Jane G. Gravelle. 518 pages, ISBN…

  • General Anti Avoidance Rule

    General Anti-avoidance Rule The general anti-avoidance rule (“GAAR”) in the taxation system The GAAR allows Tax Authorities to override the tax consequences that would otherwise apply in a given situation, if those tax consequences are the product of tax avoidance. A General Anti-avoidance Rule can perform a useful role in the tax system, as a…

  • Calvinism

    Calvinism and Law The issue of ‘Calvinism and Law’ is a much-debated theme. It played a huge role in the historical debates around the Barmen Declaration (1934) in Germany and the Belhar Confession (1982) in South Africa. It prompts immediately vibrant discussions on civil disobedience and the relation between church and state and minorities and…

  • History of Zionism

    History of Zionism History of Zionism before 1910 During the middle ages, though the racial character of the Jews was being transformed by their Ghetto seclusion, the national yearning suffered no relaxation. If it expressed itself exclusively in literature, it was not on that account undergoing a process of idealization. (Cf. Abrahams’s Jewish Life in…

  • The Year Books

    The Year Books, precursors of Law Reports The Year Books were the law reports of medieval England. They are the principal source materials for the development of legal doctrines in the English courts from the late 13th century (earliest examples date from about 1268) to 1535 (the last in the printed series). Many (more than…

  • Constitutional Text: Brazil Constitution of 1988

    Constitutional Text: Brazil Constitution of 1988 CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL OCTOBER 5, 1988 Preamble We, the representatives of the Brazilian People, convened in the National Constituent Assembly to institute a democratic state for the purpose of ensuring the exercise of social and individual rights, liberty, security, well-being, development, equality and justice as…

  • Constitutional Texts: Bavaria 1808 and 1818 Constitutions

    Constitutional Texts: Bavaria 1808 and 1818 Constitutions BAVARIA’S CONSTITUTION OF 1808 MAY 1ST, 1808 We Maximilian Joseph, by the grace of God King of Bavaria. We are governed by the conviction that as long as the State remains a mere aggregate of separate parts, it can neither achieve its full potential strength, for which it…

  • Constitutional Text: Bangladesh 1972, Amended 2004

    Constitutional Text: Bangladesh 1972, Amended 2004 CONSTITUTION OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH NOVEMBER 4, 1972, AS AMENDED TO MAY 16, 2004 BISMILLAH-AR-RAHIMAN-AR-RAHIM (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful) Preamble We, the people of Bangladesh, having proclaimed our Independence on the 26th day of March, 1971 and through a historic war for…

  • Constitutional Text: Austria 1920, Admended 2004

    AUSTRIA’S CONSTITUTION OF 1920 WITH AMENDMENTS THROUGH 2004 JANUARY 1ST, 2004 Chapter I General Provisions; European Union A. General Provisions Article 1. Austria is a democratic republic. Its law emanates from the people. Article 2. 1. Austria is a federal state. 2. The Federal State is composed of the autonomous Laender of Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower…

  • Constitutional Text: Austria 1945, Amendments 1986,1987,1988,1990, 1992 and 1993

    Constitutional Text: Amendments of 1986,1987,1988,1990, 1992 and 1993 to the Austria Constitution of 1945 1986 AMENDMENT TO AUSTRIA’S CONSTITUTION OF 1945 APRIL 24, 1986 212. Federal constitutional law of April 4, 1986, amending the federal constitutional law of 1929 (amendment to the federal constitutional law 1986) The National Assembly has decided: Article I. The federal…

  • Constitutional Text: Australia 1900, Amended 1927

    CONSTITUTION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA JULY 9, 1900, AS AMENDED TO JULY 29, 1977 Chapter I The Parliament Part I General 1. Legislative power The legislative power of the Commonwealth shall be vested in a Federal Parliament, which shall consist of the Queen, a Senate, and a House of Representatives, and which is hereinafter…

  • Constitutional Text: Argentina 1994

    CONSTITUTION OF THE ARGENTINE NATION AUGUST 22ND, 1994 We, the representatives of the people of the Argentine Nation, gathered in General Constituent Assembly by the will and election of the Provinces which compose it, in fulfillment of pre-existing pacts, in order to form a national union, guarantee justice, secure domestic peace, provide for the common…