List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in Antitrust law, by Saphiro
See also:
- Ranking of the top 100 legal most-cited articles of all time
- List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in antitrust law
- List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in corporate and securities law
- List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in family law
- List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in intellectual property
- List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in international law
- List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in labor and employment law
- List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in legal ethics and legal profession
Below is the ranking of the top 10 most-cited articles of all time to the speciality, according to “The most-cited law review articles of all time”, by Fred R. Shapiro and Michelle Pearse, published in the Michigan Law Review and available at
1. 636 Philip Areeda & Donald F. Turner, Predatory Pricing
and Related Practices under Section 2 of the Sherman
Act, 88 Harv. L. Rev. 697 (1975).
2. 463 William M. Landes & Richard A. Posner, Market Power
in Antitrust Cases, 94 Harv. L. Rev. 937 (1981).
3. 451 Frank H. Easterbrook, Limits of Antitrust, 63 Tex. L.
Rev. 1 (1984).
4. 448 Donald F. Turner, The Definition of Agreement under
the Sherman Act: Conscious Parallelism and Refusals
to Deal, 75 Harv. L. Rev. 655 (1962).
5. 402 Richard A. Posner, The Chicago School of Antitrust
Analysis, 127 U. Pa. L. Rev. 925 (1979).
6. 365 Derek C. Bok, Section 7 of the Clayton Act and the
Merging of Law and Economics, 74 Harv. L. Rev. 226
7. 362 Ward S. Bowman, Jr., Tying Arrangements and the
Leverage Problem, 67 Yale L.J. 19 (1957).
8. 359 Robert H. Bork, The Rule of Reason and the Per Se
Concept: Price Fixing and Market Division II, 75 Yale
L.J. 373 (1966).
9. 349 Thomas G. Krattenmaker & Steven C. Salop,
Anticompetitive Exclusion: Raising Rivals’ Costs to
Achieve Power over Price, 96 Yale L.J. 209 (1986).
10. 340 Robert H. Bork, The Rule of Reason and the Per Se
Concept: Price Fixing and Market Division, 74 Yale
L.J. 775 (1965).
See Also
References and Further Reading
About the Author/s and Reviewer/s
Author: international
Mentioned in these Entries
List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in corporate and securities law, List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in family law, List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in intellectual property, List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in international law, List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in labor and employment law, List of top 10 most-cited legal articles in legal ethics and legal profession, Ranking of the top 100 legal most-cited articles of all time.