Academic Legal topics
- Law in general
- Comparative and uniform law
- Jurisprudence
- Legal Periodicals
- Bibliography
- Legal Monographic series
- Encyclopedias of Law
- Dictionaries of Law
- Words and phrases
- Legal Maxims
- Legal Quotations
- Legal Yearbooks
- Legal Directories
- Legal Research
- Legal composition and draftsmanship
- Legal Education
- Law societies
- International bar associations
- The legal profession
- Legal aid
- Legal assistance to the poor
- History of law
- Biography Congresses
- Addresses, essays, lectures
- Ethnological jurisprudence
- Primitive law
- Philosophy of law
- Theory of law
- Periodicals Methodology
- The concept of law
- Sources of law
- Interpretation and construction of law
- Lacunae in law
- Classification of law.
- Typology Schools of legal theory
- Historical jurisprudence
- Positivism
- Sociology of law
- Sociological jurisprudence
- Natural law
- Relation of law to other topics
- Comparative law
- International uniform law
- Treaties and other international agreements
- Trials
- Concepts applying to several branches of law
- Legal systems compared
- Regional divisions
- Interregional comparative law
- Private law
- Unification of law
- Persons
- Domestic relations.
- Obligations (Contracts & Torts)
- Jurisprudence
- Sources of the Law
- Law of Persons,
- Statutes
- Property
- Succession
- Jurists
- Commercial law
- Civil Procedure,
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
- Public Law
- Constitutional Law
- History of Law
- Administrative law
By Categories
Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Subject
- Child Custody Subject
- Insurance Subject
- Labor and Employment Subject
- Landlord and Tenant Subject
- Partnership Subject
- Shipping Subject
- Antitrust and Trade Regulation Subject
- Bankruptcy Subject
- Debtor and Creditor Subject
- Exemptions Subject
- Homestead Subject
- Secured Transactions Subject
Business and Other Organizations
- Associations Subject
- Banks and Banking Subject
- Beneficial Associations Subject
- Brokers Subject
- Building and Loan Associations Subject
- Carriers Subject
- Cemeteries Subject
- Charities Subject
- Clubs Subject
- Colleges and Universities Subject
- Common Interest Communities Subject
- Corporations and Business Organizations Subject
- Credit Reporting Agencies Subject
- Electricity Subject
- Factors Subject
- Gas Subject
- Innkeepers Subject
- Insurance Subject
- Joint Adventures Subject
- Partnership Subject
- Public Utilities Subject
- Railroads Subject
- Religious Societies Subject
- Schools Subject
- Telecommunications Subject
- Urban Railroads Subject
Civil Procedure- Federal Cases
- Abatement and Revival Subject
- Action Subject
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Subject
- Audita Querela Subject
- Contribution Subject
- Courts Subject
- Damages Subject
- Declaratory Judgment Subject
- Domicile Subject
- Election of Remedies Subject
- Estoppel Subject
- Evidence Subject
- Exceptions, Bill of Subject
- Federal Civil Procedure Subject
- Federal Courts Subject
- Habeas Corpus Subject
- Injunction Subject
- Interpleader Subject
- Judges Subject
- Judgment Subject
- Jury Subject
- Limitation of Actions Subject
- Mandamus Subject
- Privileged Communications and Confidentiality Subject
- Prohibition Subject
- Quo Warranto Subject
- Removal of Cases Subject
- Time Subject
- United States Magistrates Subject
- Witnesses Subject
Civil Procedure-State Cases
- Abatement and Revival Subject
- Action Subject
- Affidavits Subject
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Subject
- Appeal and Error Subject
- Appearance Subject
- Attachment Subject
- Audita Querela Subject
- Certiorari Subject
- Contribution Subject
- Court Commissioners Subject
- Courts Subject
- Damages Subject
- Declaratory Judgment Subject
- Deposits in Court Subject
- Domicile Subject
- Election of Remedies Subject
- Equity Subject
- Estoppel Subject
- Evidence Subject
- Exceptions, Bill of Subject
- Execution Subject
- Garnishment Subject
- Habeas Corpus Subject
- Injunction Subject
- Interpleader Subject
- Judges Subject
- Judgment Subject
- Jury Subject
- Justices of the Peace Subject
- Limitation of Actions Subject
- Lis Pendens Subject
- Mandamus Subject
- Motions Subject
- Ne Exeat Subject
- New Trial Subject
- Notice Subject
- Parties Subject
- Pleading Subject
- Pretrial Procedure Subject
- Privileged Communications and Confidentiality Subject
- Process Subject
- Prohibition Subject
- Quo Warranto Subject
- Real Actions Subject
- Reference Subject
- Removal of Cases Subject
- Review Subject
- Scire Facias Subject
- Sequestration Subject
- Set-Off and Counterclaim Subject
- Stipulations Subject
- Supersedeas Subject
- Time Subject
- Trial Subject
- Venue Subject
- Witnesses Subject
Commercial Law
- Antitrust and Trade Regulation Subject
- Assignments Subject
- Bankruptcy Subject
- Banks and Banking Subject
- Bills and Notes Subject
- Carriers Subject
- Chattel Mortgages Subject
- Consumer Credit Subject
- Contracts Subject
- Debtor and Creditor Subject
- Fraudulent Conveyances Subject
- Interest Subject
- Novation Subject
- Payment Subject
- Pledges Subject
- Sales Subject
- Secured Transactions Subject
- Warehousemen Subject
- Constitutional Law Subject
- Copyrights and Intellectual Property Subject
- Libel and Slander Subject
- Postal Service Subject
- Privileged Communications and Confidentiality Subject
- Telecommunications Subject
Criminal Justice
- Adulteration Subject
- Adultery Subject
- Arrest Subject
- Arson Subject
- Assault and Battery Subject
- Bigamy Subject
- Bribery Subject
- Burglary Subject
- Chemical Dependents Subject
- Conspiracy Subject
- Controlled Substances Subject
- Convicts Subject
- Counterfeiting Subject
- Criminal Law Subject
- Disorderly Conduct Subject
- Disorderly House Subject
- District and Prosecuting Attorneys Subject
- Disturbance of Public Assemblage Subject
- Double Jeopardy Subject
- Embezzlement Subject
- Environmental Law Subject
- Escape Subject
- Explosives Subject
- Extortion and Threats Subject
- Extradition and Detainers Subject
- False Imprisonment Subject
- False Personation Subject
- False Pretenses Subject
- Fines Subject
- Fires Subject
- Forfeitures Subject
- Forgery Subject
- Fraud Subject
- Grand Jury Subject
- Habeas Corpus Subject
- Health Subject
- Homicide Subject
- Incest Subject
- Indians Subject
- Indictment and Information Subject
- Infants Subject
- Insurrection and Sedition Subject
- Kidnapping Subject
- Larceny Subject
- Malicious Mischief Subject
- Mayhem Subject
- Neutrality Laws Subject
- Obscenity Subject
- Obstructing Justice Subject
- Pardon and Parole Subject
- Perjury Subject
- Prisons Subject
- Privileged Communications and Confidentiality Subject
- Prostitution Subject
- Protection of Endangered Persons Subject
- Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Subject
- Rape Subject
- Receiving Stolen Goods Subject
- Rescue Subject
- Riot Subject
- Robbery Subject
- Searches and Seizures Subject
- Seduction Subject
- Sentencing and Punishment Subject
- Sodomy Subject
- Suicide Subject
- Treason Subject
- Unlawful Assembly Subject
- Vagrancy Subject
- Weapons Subject
- Witnesses Subject
- Colleges and Universities Subject
- Schools Subject
Employment Law
- Civil Rights Subject
- Colleges and Universities Subject
- Counties Subject
- Health Subject
- Labor and Employment Subject
- Municipal Corporations Subject
- Officers and Public Employees Subject
- Schools Subject
- Social Security and Public Welfare Subject
- States Subject
- Towns Subject
- Unemployment Compensation Subject
- United States Subject
- Workers’ Compensation Subject
- Electricity Subject
- Gas Subject
- Mines and Minerals Subject
- Public Utilities Subject
- Steam Subject
- War and National Emergency Subject
Environmental Law
- Agriculture Subject
- Electricity Subject
- Environmental Law Subject
- Mines and Minerals Subject
- Nuisance Subject
- Water Law Subject
- Zoning and Planning Subject
Estate Planning
- Adoption Subject
- Charities Subject
- Children Out-ofWedlock Subject
- Descent and Distribution Subject
- Dower and Curtesy Subject
- Estates in Property Subject
- Executors and Administrators Subject
- Gifts Subject
- Internal Revenue Subject
- Joint Tenancy Subject
- Life Estates Subject
- Perpetuities Subject
- Powers Subject
- Remainders Subject
- Reversions Subject
- Taxation Subject
- Tenancy in Common Subject
- Trusts Subject
- Wills Subject
Family Law
- Abortion and Birth Control Subject
- Adoption Subject
- Adultery Subject
- Bigamy Subject
- Breach of Marriage Promise Subject
- Child Custody Subject
- Child Support Subject
- Children Out-ofWedlock Subject
- Divorce Subject
- Dower and Curtesy Subject
- Guardian and Ward Subject
- Husband and Wife Subject
- Incest Subject
- Infants Subject
- Marriage Subject
- Parent and Child Subject
- Protection of Endangered Persons Subject
- Seduction Subject
Financial Institutions
- Banks and Banking Subject
- Building and Loan Associations Subject
- Consumer Credit Subject
- Credit Reporting Agencies Subject
- Insurance Subject
- Bridges Subject
- Colleges and Universities Subject
- Counties Subject
- District of Columbia Subject
- Highways Subject
- Municipal Corporations Subject
- Public Assistance Subject
- Public Contracts Subject
- Schools Subject
- States Subject
- Territories Subject
- Towns Subject
- United States Subject
- Water Law Subject
- Chemical Dependents Subject
- Controlled Substances Subject
- Health Subject
- Mental Health Subject
- Protection of Endangered Persons Subject
Immigration and Citizenship
- Aliens, Immigration, and Citizenship Subject
- Insurance Subject
- Social Security and Public Welfare Subject
- Unemployment Compensation Subject
- Workers’ Compensation Subject
Intellectual Property
- Antitrust and Trade Regulation Subject
- Copyrights and Intellectual Property Subject
- Patents Subject
- Trademarks Subject
International Issues
- Aliens, Immigration, and Citizenship Subject
- Ambassadors and Consuls Subject
- Customs Duties Subject
- International Law Subject
- Treaties Subject
- War and National Emergency Subject
Juvenile Justice
Infants Subject
Legal Services
- Acknowledgement Subject
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Subject
- Attorney and Client Subject
- Attorney General Subject
- Clerks of Courts Subject
- Court Commissioners Subject
- Courts Subject
- District and Prosecuting Attorneys Subject
- Judges Subject
- Justices of the Pe ace Subject
- Notaries Subject
- Reference Subject
- United States Magistrates Subject
Maritime Law
- Admiralty Subject
- Collision Subject
- Ferries Subject
- Maritime Liens Subject
- Pilots Subject
- Salvage Subject
- Seamen Subject
- Shipping Subject
- Water Law Subject
- Wharves Subject
- Health Subject
- Health Subject
Military Law
- Armed Services Subject
- Military Justice Subject
- Militia Subject
- War and National Emergency Subject
Products Liability
- Electricity Subject
- Explosives Subject
- Food Subject
- Gas Subject
- Products Liability Subject
Professional Malpractice
- Accountants Subject
- Attorney and Client Subject
- Brokers Subject
- Health Subject
- Infants Subject
- Mental Health Subject
- Negligence Subject
- Religious Societies Subject
- Schools Subject
Real Property
- Abstracts of Title Subject
- Accession Subject
- Adjoining Landowners Subject
- Adverse Possession Subject
- Boundaries Subject
- Brokers Subject
- Building and Loan Associations Subject
- Common Interest Communities Subject
- Common Lands Subject
- Covenants Subject
- Dedication Subject
- Deeds Subject
- Easements Subject
- Ejectment Subject
- Eminent Domain Subject
- Entry, Writ of Subject
- Equitable Conversion Subject
- Estates in Property Subject
- Fences Subject
- Fixtures Subject
- Forcible Entry and Detainer Subject
- Improvements Subject
- Landlord and Tenant Subject
- Licenses Subject
- Liens Subject
- Lis Pendens Subject
- Mechanics’ Liens Subject
- Mortgages Subject
- Negligence Subject
- Partition Subject
- Party Walls Subject
- Private Roads Subject
- Property Subject
- Public Amusement and Entertainment Subject
- Public Lands Subject
- Quieting Title Subject
- Real Actions Subject
- Registers of Deeds Subject
- Reversions Subject
- Specific Performance Subject
- Trespass Subject
- Trespass to Try Title Subject
- Vendor and Purchaser Subject
- Water Law Subject
- Zoning and Planning Subject
Securities and Commodities Regulations
- Commodity Futures Trading Regulation Subject
- Exchanges Subject
- Securities Regulation Subject
- Commerce Subject
- Counties Subject
- Internal Revenue Subject
- Intoxicating Liquors Subject
- Licenses Subject
- Municipal Corporations Subject
- Schools Subject
- Taxation Subject
- Towns Subject
- Assault and Battery Subject
- Attorney and Client Subject
- Automobiles Subject
- Aviation Subject
- Banks and Banking Subject
- Carriers Subject
- Civil Rights Subject
- Conversion and Civil Theft Subject
- Damages Subject
- Death Subject
- Electricity Subject
- Explosives Subject
- False Imprisonment Subject
- Food Subject
- Forcible Entry and Detainer Subject
- Fraud Subject
- Gas Subject
- Health Subject
- Innkeepers Subject
- Landlord and Tenant Subject
- Libel and Slander Subject
- Malicious Prosecution Subject
- Negligence Subject
- Nuisance Subject
- Products Liability Subject
- Public Amusement and Entertainment Subject
- Railroads Subject
- Seduction Subject
- Shipping Subject
- Torts Subject
- Trespass Subject
- Waste Subject
- Weapons Subject
- Admiralty Subject
- Automobiles Subject
- Aviation Subject
- Bridges Subject
- Carriers Subject
- Collision Subject
- Commerce Subject
- Ferries Subject
- Highways Subject
- Railroads Subject
- Seamen Subject
- Shipping Subject
- Turnpikes and Toll Roads Subject
- Urban Railroads Subject
- Water Law Subject
Unemployment Compensation
- Unemployment Compensation Subject
See Also
About the Author/s and Rewiever/s
Author: United States
References and Further Reading
About the Author/s and Reviewer/s
Author: United States
Mentioned in these Entries
Administrative law, American Law Reports (ALR), Bouvier’s Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia, 1914, Classification for Law Libraries, Commercial law, Corpus Juris Secundum, Education, Indexes to Legal Periodicals, KeySearch, Law Classification, Law Classification, Historical, Lawy Categories, Legal Research, Legal research: resources for libraries, List of Tax Acronyms and Abbreviations, Treaties, U.S. Digests.