International law index C
- Cabotage
- Calvo Doctrine/Calvo Clause
- Cambodia Conflicts (Kampuchea)
- Camp David Accords (1978)
- Canals
- Canevaro Claim Arbitration
- Capital, Free Flow of
- Capitulations
- Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
- Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Caroline, The
- Casamance Conflict
- Case concerning Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v France)
- Cash and Carry Clause
- Caspian Sea
- Cavallo Case
- Cease-fire
- Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CAEMC)
- Central America
- Central American Court of Justice (1907-18)
- Central American Court of Justice (CACJ)
- Central American Integration System (SICA)
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)
- Certain Criminal Proceedings in France Case (Congo v France)
- Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Advisory Opinion)
- Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru Case (Nauru v Australia)
- Certain Property Case (Liechtenstein v Germany)
- Cession
- Ceuta and Melilla
- Channel Islands and Isle of Man
- Channel Tunnel
- Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (1974)
- Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2000)
- Chartered Companies
- Chemical Weapons and Warfare
- Chevreau Claim Arbitration
- Chicago Convention (1944)
- Child Abduction
- Children and Armed Conflict
- Children, International Protection
- Chilean Copper, Nationalization, Review by Courts of Third States
- China
- Civil aircraft
- Civil Aviation, Offences against Safety
- Civil Defence
- Civil Service, International
- Civil Society
- Civilian Objects
- Civilian Participation in Armed Conflict
- Civilian Population in Armed Conflict
- Civilized Nations
- Claims, International
- Clean Development Mechanism
- Clean Hands, Principle
- Clearing Agreements
- Clerget v Banque commerciale pour l’Europe du Nord Case
- Climate, International Protection
- Clipperton Island Arbitration
- Cloning, International Regulation
- Coded Communications (Encryption)
- Codes of Conduct
- Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)
- Codification and Progressive Development of International Law
- Coercion
- Cold War (1947-91)
- Collective Punishment
- Collective Security
- Collisions at Sea
- Colombo Plan (CP)
- Colonialism
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Combatants
- Combatants, Unlawful
- Comité Juridique (COJUR)
- Comity
- Command Responsibility
- Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Center for the Americas (CAMCA)
- Commercial Arbitration, International
- Commercial Contracts, UNIDROIT Principles
- Commercial Treaties
- Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD)
- Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI)
- Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)
- Commodities, International Regulation of Production and Trade
- Common but Differentiated Responsibilities
- Common Fund for Commodities (CFC)
- Common Heritage of Mankind
- Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
- Commonwealth
- Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
- Commonwealth, Subjects and Nationality Rules
- Community Interest
- Comparative Law and International Law
- Comparative Law, Functions and Methods
- Compensation
- Compensation for Personal Damages Suffered during World War II
- Compensation Fund
- Competences of the International Labour Organization (Advisory Opinion)
- Competition policy
- Compliance
- Compromis
- Concert of Europe
- Concessions
- Conciliation
- Conciliation Commissions Established Pursuant to Art. 83 Peace Treaty with Italy (1947)
- Concordats
- Conditionality
- Condominium and Coimperium
- Confederations of States
- Conference (Meeting) of States Parties
- Conferences and Congresses, International
- Conferences on the Law of the Sea
- Confidence-Building Measures
- Conflict Prevention
- Congo River
- Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- Connally Reservation
- Conquest
- Conscientious Objection
- Consensus
- Consent
- Conservation of Natural Resources
- Consular Functions
- Consular Jurisdiction
- Consular Treaties
- Consuls
- Consultation
- Contiguous Zone
- Continental Shelf
- Continental Shelf Arbitration (France v United Kingdom)
- Continental Shelf Case (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta)
- Continental Shelf, Commission on the Limits of the
- Continuity of States
- Continuous Nationality
- Contraband
- Contracts between International Organizations and Private Law Persons
- Contracts between States and Foreign Private Law Persons
- Contributions
- Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Regime
- Convoy
- Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
- Co-operation, International Law of
- Corfu Channel Case
- Corporations in International Law
- Corruption, Fight against
- Costa Rica Packet Arbitration
- Costa v ENEL Case
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)
- Council of Europe (COE)
- Countermeasures
- countertrade
- Credentials
- Crimean War (1853-56)
- Crimes against Humanity
- Crimes against Peace
- Criminal Jurisdiction of States under International Law
- Criminal Responsibility, Modes of
- Critical Theory
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Cultural and Intellectual Co-operation, International
- Cultural Diversity
- Cultural Heritage
- Cultural Life, Right to Participate in, International Protection
- Cultural Property, Protection in Armed Conflict
- Currency Control
- Curzon Line
- Customary International Law
- customs
- Customs Boundary
- Customs Law, International
- Customs Regime between Germany and Austria (Advisory Opinion)
- Customs Unions
- Customs valuation
- Cyber Warfare
- Cyprus
- Czechoslovakia, Dissolution of
See Also
References and Further Reading
About the Author/s and Reviewer/s
Author: international
Mentioned in these Entries
Codification, Continental Shelf, Customary International Law, International Organizations, International law index, Treaties.