Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste in 2011

United States views on international law (based on the document “Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law”): The United States joined consensus on United Nations Human Rights Council resolution 18/11, “Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and waste,” on September 29, 2011. Ambassador Donahoe delivered an explanation of position on the same day, which is excerpted below and available in full at (internet link) state.gov/s/l/c8183.htm.


The United States recognizes that improper management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes may have implications for the effective enjoyment of human rights, including civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Accordingly, we join consensus on this resolution.


We would note some concerns with the resolution, however. As an initial matter, we reiterate the U.S. general concern regarding the approach of placing environmental issues in the human rights context, particularly where, as here, venues other than this Council have the mandate and the technical expertise to address the environmental issue under discussion. As specific concerns, this resolution’s text could make more consistent its varied descriptions of possible implications for the effective enjoyment of human rights. Where the resolution notes concerns that may arise from “movements” of hazardous substances and wastes, we understand this to address, more specifically, uncontrolled and illegal movements.

More about the Issue

We are also particularly concerned about one of the possible topics that the Special Rapporteur may report on, concerning the possibility of ambiguities in international instruments and gaps in effectiveness of international regulatory mechanisms. We understand this part of the mandate to be interpreted within the larger mandate of the Human Rights Council. In that respect, it would of course focus solely on human rights issues and, consistent with the preamble of the resolution, avoid overlap with the competence of expert, non-human rights international instruments and entities. We also understand that this mandate should not presume conclusions about such instruments and entities that are not necessarily warranted. Accordingly, we hope that the Special Rapporteur will take care to address possible human rights implications, rather than non-human rights issues involving how to manage and dispose of hazardous substances and wastes, and rather than interpreting environmental treaties that are beyond his authority or mandate.

Hazardous Waste in 2011

United States views on international law (based on the document “Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law”): Finally, we also ask that the Council consider carefully, in three years’ time, whether the work of this Special Rapporteur, which at that point will have been ongoing for 20 years, will be complete at the end of the term that is being renewed today.

Hazardous Waste

In relation to the international law practice and Hazardous Waste in this world legal Encyclopedia, please see the following section:

Nationality, Citizenship, Immigration

About this subject:

Asylum and Refugee Status and Related Issues

. Note: there is detailed information and resources, in relation with these topics during the year 2011, covered by the entry, in this law Encyclopedia, about Haiti


See Also

  • International Human Rights
  • Economic Rights
  • Social Rights
  • Cultural Rights
  • Hazardous Waste

Hierarchical Display of Hazardous waste

Environment > Deterioration of the environment > Waste
Environment > Deterioration of the environment > Nuisance > Dangerous substance

Hazardous waste

Concept of Hazardous waste

See the dictionary definition of Hazardous waste.

Characteristics of Hazardous waste

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Translation of Hazardous waste

Thesaurus of Hazardous waste

Environment > Deterioration of the environment > Waste > Hazardous waste
Environment > Deterioration of the environment > Nuisance > Dangerous substance > Hazardous waste

See also


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