Encyclopedia of Public International Law

Encyclopedia of Public International Law

This legal encyclopedia was published in New York, by North-Holland Pub. Co., 1981-1990. n 1992 the same publishers published a reprint with addenda and some revisions of articles published in the twelve volume set of the same name listed below:

Subjects included in the Individual volumes

Vol. 1, Settlement of Disputes ;
Vol. 2, Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals and International Arbitrations;
Vol. 3, Use of Force, War, and Neutrality Peace Treaties (A-M);
Vol. 4, Use of Force, War, and Neutrality Peace Treaties (N-Z);
Vol. 5, International Organizations in General. Universal International Organizations and Cooperation;
Vol. 6, Regional Cooperation, Organizations, and Problems;
Vol. 7, History of International Law . Foundations and Principles of International Law. Sources of International Law. Law of Treaties;
Vol. 8, Human Rights and the Individual in International Law. International Economic Relations;
Vol. 9, International Relations and Legal Cooperation in General. Diplomacy and Consular Relations;
Vol. 10, States. Responsibility of States. International Law and Municipal Law;
Vol. 11, Law of the Sea. Air and Space;
Vol. 12, Geographic Issues

Review of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law

According to the document “Introduction to Research in International Law”, produced by the University of South Carolina Libraries, the Encyclopedia of Public International Law “is the first and only work of its kind to appear in English.

It contains more than 1,300 articles written by authorities on international law from different countries and regions, including entries on all important international legal problems and institutions as well as the major decisions of international courts and tribunals. More than 500 specialist authors world-wide contributed to this work. Public international law covers several areas of paramount interest to all mankind, including the clashes of interest between powerful nation-states and the attempts to resolve those conflicts through law. The Encyclopedia presents the rules according to which international affairs in peace and war are governed; the development of bonds of cooperation, especially today in the form of international organizations; and the existing controls as well as the controversial new frontiers of the regulation of the use of natural resources, including the sea, the air and space. Excellent resource for gaining an overview of a specific topic related to international law.”

See Also

Further Reading

  • Gabor, Francis A. Guide to Legal Research and Writing from the Transnational Perspective. Lake Mary, FL : Vandeplas Publishing, 2008.
  • Germain, Claire M., Germain’s Transnational Law Research : a Guide for Attorneys, Ardsley-on-Hudson, N.Y. : Transnational Juris Publications, Inc., 1991- .
  • Hoffman, Marci, International and Foreign Legal Research : a Coursebook. Leiden ; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008.
  • Hoffman, Marci, International Legal Research in a Nutshell. St. Paul, MN : Thomson/West, 2008.



References and Further Reading

About the Author/s and Reviewer/s

Author: international

Mentioned in these Entries

A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations, American Jurisprudence (encyclopedia), Diplomacy, Encyclopedia of Public International Law update in August, Encyclopedia of Public International Law update, Encyclopedia of Public International Law updates, History of International Law, International Commercial Arbitration, International Criminal Law. Bibliography, International Law Encyclopedia 5, International Organizations, Legal Research, List of Legal Encyclopedias, List of international public law topics, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, PAIS: Public Affairs Information Service, Public International Law. Bibliography and links, Settlement of Disputes, Treaties, Treaties. Bibliography and links.



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