Category: Comparative law

  • Comparative Law

    Comparative law may be defined as the study of the similarities and differences between the laws or legal rules of two or more countries, or between two or more legal systems (i.e. the study of legal systems and laws in different countries). It is not a body of rules and principle. It is a […]

  • Forms of Government

    Summary Overview Governments are organized in a variety of forms. This entry covers the different ways of classifying these forms: according to the geographic distribution of power, the relationship between legislative and executive branches, and the number of persons who can participate in […]

  • Forms of Government

    Summary Overview Governments are organized in a variety of forms. This entry covers the different ways of classifying these forms: according to the geographic distribution of power, the relationship between legislative and executive branches, and the number of persons who can participate in […]

  • International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law

    International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (IECL) is a multivolumen (17-volume Encyclopedia), one of the well-known law works, a much-cited reference work, and an ambitious project that brings together works from leading scholars in comparative law. Maybe because its ambition it is somewhat dated. The International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law appears…

  • International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law

    International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (IECL) is a multivolumen (17-volume Encyclopedia), one of the well-known law works, a much-cited reference work, and an ambitious project that brings together works from leading scholars in comparative law. Maybe because its ambition it is somewhat dated. The International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law appears…

  • Constitutional Review

    Constitutional Review Article from Tom Ginsburg, of the University of Chicago Law School, published in the Comparative Constitutional Review in July 30, 2008: “Constitutional review is the power to examine statutes and government actions for conformity with the constitution. From its origins in the American experience, the institution has spread around the globe to become…

  • Judicial Elections

    Judicial Elections From the article “Judicial Appointments and Judicial Independence”, authored by Tom Ginsburg for the US Institute for Peace (January 2009): “Each American state has its own state judiciary, with its own system of appointment. These systems have varied over time and many of them, though not all, involve elections of judges. Electoral systems…

  • Judicial Elections

    Judicial Elections From the article “Judicial Appointments and Judicial Independence”, authored by Tom Ginsburg for the US Institute for Peace (January 2009): “Each American state has its own state judiciary, with its own system of appointment. These systems have varied over time and many of them, though not all, involve elections of judges. Electoral systems…

  • Removal of Judges

    Removal of Judges From the article “Judicial Appointments and Judicial Independence”, authored by Tom Ginsburg for the US Institute for Peace (January 2009): “A key factor in ensuring judicial independence and accountability is a system to discipline and, in serious cases, remove judges who have engaged in misconduct. Elections (of Judges) clearly provide one means…

  • National Constitutions

    National Constitutions…

  • American Journal of Comparative Law

    The American Journal of Comparative Law Introduction “The American Journal of Comparative Law is published by the American Society of Comparative Law. American Society of Comparative Law The first officers of the Society, elected in 1951, reflected the significance of the nascent organization to the emerging fields of comparative and foreign law and private international…

  • Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law

    Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law This legal Encyclopedia offers chapters on legal topics, such as statutory interpretation or insurance, as well as chapters on a few countries. The Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law provides a very useful overview to legal research in civil law and commonwealth jurisdictions. The articles (based in areas of law and…

  • Sociological School

    The Sociological School The sociological school of jurisprudence is, in general, “a product of the 20th century. Its approach to the analysis of law differs from that of the other schools in that it is concerned less with the nature and origin of law than with its actual functions and end results. The proponents of…

  • Comparative School

    The Comparative School The comparative school, “of which the leading early exponents were the German legal scholar Rudolf von Jhering and Albert Hermann Post, represents a widening of the field of investigation. Each national law is studied historically and the various national systems are compared at similar stages of development. As a result of this…

  • Historical School

    The Historical School “The historical school dates from the 19th century, as a reaction against natural-law ideas. Its principles were first clearly defined in 1814 by the German jurist Friedrich Karl von Savigny.”(1) Other Schools of Jurisprudence In the last decades, others principal schools of jurisprudence are: the analytical school, the natural-law school, the comparative…