Arkansas Agency Databases

Arkansas State Agency Databases

Accountancy, Arkansas State Board of Public
•Roster Search by first name, last name, city, state or license number. You have choices for Certified Public Accountants, Public Accountants, Corporations & Partnerships PA’s, or Corporations & Partnerships CPA’s.

Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board, Arkansas
•Roster Searachable by company name, last name, city, county and state.

Architects, Arkansas State Board
•Architects Firm Roster This is an up-to-date, complete listing of all architects registered within the State of Arkansas. Also includes other States.

Attorney General , Office of
•Opinions Attorney General is charged by statute with the responsibility of providing written Legal opinions requested by state officials. The purpose of the Opinions Department is to assist in fulfilling this statutory duty by preparing drafts of formal, written opinions. While opinions of the Attorney General do not constitute binding law or precedent, they do provide a significant source of legal interpretation, often with respect to questions that have not been addressed elsewhere. The database provides full text searching. The user may also enter, category, requestor name, date of release or opinion number.

Auctioneers Licensing Board, Arkansas
•Database of licensed auctioneers and auction house owners Searchable by first name, last name, city or county.

Auditor’s, State
•Arkansas unclaimed property database

Certified Court reporter Examiners, Arkansas State Board of
•Licensed Court Reporters Searchable by last name, city, county or report type(freelance or official).

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board, Arkansas
•Parenting Program Directory Basic information about existing parent Education programs in Arkansas. Directory is searchable by county and keyword.

Collection Agencies, Arkansas State Board
•Roster Searchable by company name, city and state.

Contractors Licensing Board, Arkansas

Corrections, Department of
• Inmate population Information Finder – Prisoner database that can be searched not only by name, gender, age and race, but also by type of crime including: Assault, Drug Crime, Forgery/Counterfeiting, Fraud/Embezzlement, Kidnapping, Manslaughter, Murder, Other Crime, Other Violent Crime, Property Crime, Racketeering, Robbery, Sex Crime, Theft, Weapon Offense. Records include weight, height, sentencing history and prisoner photos when available. This system even lets you electronically send money to prisoners.

Counseling, Arkansas Board of Examiners in
•Roster of Licensed Counselors Roster is searchable by name, city, state, license# and status(active or inactive).

Crime Information Center, Arkansas
•Arkansas Criminal Justice Directory Directory provides a listing of all law enforcement agencies and officials, Circuit and Municipal courts, and Prosecuting Attorneys in the State of Arkansas. Database is searchable by entering a name, title, organization, city, or zip code.

Dental Examiners, Arkansas State Board of
•Arkansas Dentist Roster Database is searchable by last name, first name, and license number.
•Arkansas Hygienist Roster Database is searchable by last name, first name, and license number.

Economic Development Commission, Arkansas
•Arkansas community profiles You can learn about many of Arkansas’ beautiful communities and the counties or even the regions in which they are located. If you know the name of the community, you can search by name, or even part of a name. They are also indexed alphabetically – or you can look at a list of all of them. Finally, if you would like a group of communities within a certain population requirement, please search by population.
•Production Guide Check which region(s) or enter the name of the specific city where you want to look for location of service categatories such as, caterers, costumes, convention centers, limousines, recyclers, cranes, bus charters. lumber, airlines:charter, plus more….

Education , Arkansas Department of
•School Report Card Database searchable by district and school.

Embalmers & Funeral Directors, Arkansas State Board of
•Online Roster Searachable database by last anme, business name, city and ocunty. Four categories to choose from, Funeral Director, Funeral Home, Embalmers or Crematoria.

Engineers and Land Surveyors, Arkansas State Board of Registration for Professionals
•Online Roster Search by first name , last name, city, and license number. Search by category: Individuals — Professional Engineers, Engineer Interns, Professional Surveyors and Surveyor Interns.

Judiciary, Arkansas
•Arkansas Licensed Attorney Database searachable by last name, first name, city and zip code.
•Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions searachable database of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions. Searachable by keyword, spring 1996 to present.
•Certified Mediators Database is searchable by first name, last name, city, zipcode. Sort by Division: Civil/Probate, Domestic Relations, Juvenile, and Access and Visitation. Each entry contain information on date of certification, type of certification, address, phone and fax number, education, training and professional experience.

Labor, Arkansas Department of
•Roster of Electricians Roster is searchable by first name, last name, city, and county.

Legislative Audit, Arkansas Division of
•Audit Reports Searchable database of audit reports of State Agencies, Public Schools, Higher Education, Cities, Counties, Prosecuting Attorneys, Solid waste Districts, Performance Audits, Special Reports, Investigative Reports, Information Systems, Data Vertification, Water/Serwer and other. Searachable by audit name and year.

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See Also

References and Further Reading

About the Author/s and Reviewer/s

Author: international

Mentioned in these Entries

Attorney General, Attorney, Court reporter, Education, Legal opinions, State Agency Databases Across the 50 States.



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