Administrative Disputes in Civil Law Jurisdictions

Administrative Disputes in Civil Law Jurisdictions

Administrative Disputes in Civil Law Jurisdictions

In relation to the administrative disputes in civil law jurisdictions and constitutional law, Lana Ofak[1] made the following observation: Administrative dispute (contentieux administratif, Verwaltungsstreit) is a legal institution which was created by the legal theory and practice at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Such an institution was established in order to ensure objective legality, as well as the protection of individual rights. According to the theory of administrative law, administrative dispute is a form of providing judicial control over the legality of the decisions of public authorities and their officials, including the legality of their failures to take a decision. It (…)


Notes and References

  1. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, Lana Ofak, “Administrative Disputes in Civil Law Jurisdictions” (2018, Germany, United Kingdom)

See Also

  • Rule of law
  • Administration of justice
  • Judicial review
  • Judicial power
  • Individual rights