Search results for: “united nations symbols”

  • United Nations Symbols

    United Nations Symbols United Nations Documents Symbols System The United Nations publishes many documents. Many documents were originally published in mimeographed form and are still sometimes referred to as ‘mimeo docs.’ This entry will explain the United Nations series symbols system which was designed to provide access to these documents. The series symbols provide access…

  • United Nations Resources

    United Nations Resources Using the United Nations Resources in the World Encyclopedia of Law Available through the Lawi Project, this resource searches documents from the six main bodies of the United Nations: General Assembly Security Council Economic and Social Council Trusteeship Council Secretariat Included are Masthead documents (formerly called mimeo documents), Official Records, Sales Publication,…

  • United Nations Documents

    United Nations Documents Finding United Nations Documents These documents are the major, final records of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Secretariat. Reports of all major committees are published as supplements to the Official Record. For the past few years, the supplement numbers remain consistent. For example,…

  • Common Topics

    Common Topics Arbitration Arms Control Bill of Exchange Cemeteries Church Church Properties Common Law Competition law Contracts Conventions Courts Criminal Procedure Customs Law Cybercrime Definitions Dictionaries Disarmament Elections Europe European Union Export Controls Export Law Exports Featured Foregin Policy Foreign Affairs Foreign Policy France GATT History Human Development Human rights Immunities Import Law Information Retrieval…

  • UN Security Council

    UN Security Council The Council is composed of fifteen member states, five of them permanent members and specified by name in the Charter. These are the United States, Russia (replacing the Soviet Union in 1991), China, the United Kingdom, and France. The rest are elected for two-year terms […]

  • Developing Countries

    Developing Countries in International Trade Meaning of Developing Countries, according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): The developing countries generally lack a high degree of industrialization, infrastructure and other capital investment, sophisticated […]

  • Developing Countries

    Developing Countries in International Trade Meaning of Developing Countries, according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): The developing countries generally lack a high degree of industrialization, infrastructure and other capital investment, sophisticated […]

  • Exchange Rate

    Exchange Rate in International Trade Meaning of Exchange Rate, according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): The price of one currency expressed in terms of another, i.e., the number of units of one currency that may be exchanged for one unit of another currency. […]


    SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION A recently published British textbook describes the task of the sociology of religion in three ways: first, to further the understanding of the role of religion in society; second, to analyze its significance in and impact upon human history; and, third, to understand the social forces and influences that in turn shape…

  • Magna Carta

    Legal Materials Pictures and translations of the Magna Carta are posted on the Internet by the National Archives and Records Administration and the British Library. You'll find a print copy in the American Jurisprudence 2d Deskbook. Abstract The Magna Carta (literally, the […]

  • Blasphemy Laws

    Blasphemy Laws Many countries around the world have laws that punish expression deemed blasphemous, defamatory of religion, or contemptuous or insulting to religion or religious symbols, figures, or feelings. In addition, some states have added new blasphemy-type laws to their criminal codes or constitutions. The application of these laws has resulted in the jailing of…

  • Dictionary English Spanish

    Free Dictionary english spanish for Law Main Entry: The legal Dictionary Dictionaries in General Roy M. Mersky & Donald J. Dunn, Fundamentals of Legal Research 430 (8th ed. 2002): “Law dictionaries provide definitions of words and phrases. A short definition is given for each word or phrase. These definitions of legal terms are derived from…

  • Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict

    Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict Contents by Subject Area Anthropological Studies Aggression and Altruism Anthropology of Violence and Conflict, Overview Clan and Tribal Conflict Cultural Anthropology Studies of Conflict Evolutionary Factors Evolutionary Theory Folklore Peaceful Societies Ritual and Symbolic Behavior Warriors, Anthropology of Biomedical Studies Animal Behavior Studies, Nonprimates Animal Behavior Studies, Primates Animals,…

  • Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict

    Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict Contents by Subject Area Anthropological Studies Aggression and Altruism Anthropology of Violence and Conflict, Overview Clan and Tribal Conflict Cultural Anthropology Studies of Conflict Evolutionary Factors Evolutionary Theory Folklore Peaceful Societies Ritual and Symbolic Behavior Warriors, Anthropology of Biomedical Studies Animal Behavior Studies, Nonprimates Animal Behavior Studies, Primates Animals,…

  • Trademark History

    Introduction to Trademark HistoryThroughout history, makers of goods have put their names or other marks on things they produce. Items such as medieval swords and ancient Chinese pottery were marked with identifiable symbols so buyers could trace their origin and determine their quality. Be…