Search results for: “treaty of versailles 1919”

  • Treaty of Versailles

    History of the Treaty of Versailles, 1919 The following commentary about Treaty of Versailles, 1919 in the Churchill Era is produced by the Churchill College (Cambridge): Peace treaty signed in 1919 which officially ended the First World War, after six months of negotiations at the Paris Peace […]

  • Treaty of Versailles extra-European Territorial Changes

    Treaty of Versailles extra-European Territorial Changes Versailles Treaty: Germany renounces extra-European possessions Germany is required to renounce generally and specifically all her extra-European possessions. The general clause of renunciation leaves the titles in the air, but Germany undertakes to recognize and conform to the measures which may be taken by the Powers in connection therewith.…

  • Imperialism

    Resources See Also Foreign Policy Foreign Relations Trade Regulation Public Policy International Relations

  • Imperialism

    Resources See Also Foreign Policy Foreign Relations Trade Regulation Public Policy International Relations

  • League of Nations History

    League of Nations History The founding of the League of Nations in 1919 marked a radical departure from previous methods of diplomacy. Prior to August 1914, traditional diplomacy, or, as it was often called after the First World War, “Old Diplomacy,” was a system of intercourse between the governments of sovereign states. This system relied…

  • League of Nations Failure

    League of Nations Failure Even before its first meeting, the League of Nations suffered what some historians have characterized as a death blow: the U.S. rejection of the Treaty of Versailles and with it, the League of Nations. A variety of factors led to the U.S. Senate’s rejection of the treaty, among them Woodrow Wilson’s…

  • Reparations

    Reparations Defining the Goals of Reparations The quest for protecting individuals from mass atrocities is as old as the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The larger part of the Principles and Guidelines, with strong domestic law implications, sets out the status and the rights of victims, and corresponds to the title…

  • Reparations

    Reparations Defining the Goals of Reparations The quest for protecting individuals from mass atrocities is as old as the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The larger part of the Principles and Guidelines, with strong domestic law implications, sets out the status and the rights of victims, and corresponds to the title…

  • International Courts

    International Law: International Courts and Organizations Introduction to International Courts Judicial decisions rendered by international courts are important elements in identifying and confirming international legal rules. The most important international courts are the UN International […]

  • Labor Organizations

    Definition of International Labor Organization (ILO) Within the context of international human rights, the following is a brief meaning of international labor organization (ilo): Established in 1919 as part of the Versailles Peace Treaty to improve working conditions and promote social […]

  • Labor Organizations

    Definition of International Labor Organization (ILO) Within the context of international human rights, the following is a brief meaning of international labor organization (ilo): Established in 1919 as part of the Versailles Peace Treaty to improve working conditions and promote social […]

  • History of International Law

    Ancient History The need for some principles and rules of conduct between independent states arises whenever such states enter into mutual relations. Rules governing the treatment of foreign traders, travelers, and ambassadors, as well as the conclusion and observance of treaties, […]

  • International Treaties Popular Names

    International Treaties Popular Names Some international treaties have acquired popular names that are not always reflected in the wording of their published title. As a result, a browse action or a search on a computer database may not be successful (or an online search may be less successful) unless the user knows the exact title,…

  • League of Nations Covenants

    League of Nations Covenants The Covenant of the League, first signed by the 32 signatories of the Treaty of Versailles, and accepted and acted upon by the 48 States who in 1921 were members of the League. Article 1 of the Covenant consisted of the rules of membership. It stipulates that the original members of…

  • History of Diplomacy

    History of Diplomacy Introduction to the History of Diplomacy As soon as people organized themselves into separate social groups, the necessity of regularizing contacts with representatives of other groups became apparent. Even the earliest civilizations had rules for interaction. Early Development The first civilization to develop an orderly system of diplomacy was ancient Greece. Ambassadors…