Search results for: “rules of evidence”

  • Evidence

    Introduction to Evidence Evidence, the means by which disputed facts are proved to be true or untrue in any trial before a court of law or an agency that functions like a court. Because American law is committed to a rational rather than a formalistic system of evidence, no value is assigned […]

  • Evidence

    Introduction to Evidence Evidence, the means by which disputed facts are proved to be true or untrue in any trial before a court of law or an agency that functions like a court. Because American law is committed to a rational rather than a formalistic system of evidence, no value is assigned […]

  • Berlin Rules

    The Berlin Rules The Berlin Rules on Water Resources Introduction In 1966, the International Law Association approved the Helsinki Rules on the Uses of International Rivers (ILA 1966). The Helsinki Rules quickly came to be seen as the authoritative summary of the customary international […]

  • Berlin Rules

    The Berlin Rules The Berlin Rules on Water Resources Introduction In 1966, the International Law Association approved the Helsinki Rules on the Uses of International Rivers (ILA 1966). The Helsinki Rules quickly came to be seen as the authoritative summary of the customary international […]

  • Arbitration Rules

    Arbitration Rules Rules from International Institutions International Arbitration institutions have led the way in rulemaking for international commercial arbitration through institutional rules and commentary. The following are the institutions most often named in international agreements: Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Dubai International Arbitration Centre…

  • Rules

    Rule Commmon Meanings In a broad, more general sense, but applied to law, a rule is a "a law or principle that operates within a particular sphere of knowledge, describing or prescribing what is possible or allowable"(1), or "control of or dominion over an area or […]

  • Rules

    Rule Commmon Meanings In a broad, more general sense, but applied to law, a rule is a "a law or principle that operates within a particular sphere of knowledge, describing or prescribing what is possible or allowable"(1), or "control of or dominion over an area or […]

  • Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters

    Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters The three-week Eleventh Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law produced the final text of the Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, contained in the Final Act of the Session completed and signed on the…

  • International Evidence

    International Evidence Article 21 of the Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters: Administrative rules for the taking of the evidence The five sub-divisions of article 21 lay down the administrative rules which will apply if a consul or a commissioner is authorized to take evidence under articles 15, 16…

  • Rules of Neutrality

    Neutrality Rules of NeutralityIntroduction to Rules of NeutralityThe complicated rules of neutrality are based, for the most part, on two deceptively simple assumptions, namely, that a neutral state, being neither judge nor party in the conflict, must show impartiality in its deali…

  • Evidence in the World

    Introduction to Evidence in the WorldThe rules of evidence vary throughout the world. In the United Kingdom, evidence law closely resembles its American descendant because the trial court practices remain nearly identical. The major departure has been British abandonment of jury trials in n…

  • Outline of Evidence

    Note: this entry is based in United States law I. Burdens and Presumptions a. Burden of Proof i. Burden of pleading 1. You have to plead a claim, to state a claim for which relief can be granted ii. Burden of production 1. Must introduce evidence to support your claim in your pleading iii. Burden…

  • Competence and Evidence

    Competence and Evidence “Their rules with regard to competence were many and strict, and our lawyers have mentioned it to their reproach. “The Civilians,” it has been observed, “differ in nothing more than admitting evidence; for they reject histriones, etc., and whole tribes of people.” But this extreme rigour as to competency rejected by our…

  • Judicial Notice

    From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Judicial Notice (1): A church takes judicial notice without proof of its own rules, laws, and doctrines. Every other fact should be proved according to the rules of evidence of the church, and in the absence of a church rule the […]

  • Judicial Notice

    From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Judicial Notice (1): A church takes judicial notice without proof of its own rules, laws, and doctrines. Every other fact should be proved according to the rules of evidence of the church, and in the absence of a church rule the […]