Search results for: “list of tax acronyms and abbreviations”

  • List of Tax Acronyms and Abbreviations

    List of Tax Acronyms and Abbreviations List of Tax Acronyms and Abbreviations in the United States cq Notice of Acquiescence Notice as to whether the IRS will follow a court holding, derived from Actions on Decisions. Published in the Cumulative Bulletin. AOD Actions on Decisions Memoranda prepared when the IRS loses a court case that…

  • Tax Evasion

    Tax evasion is when someone has deliberately misled us about their activities to reduce their tax liability, or have not paid tax that is due. tax evasion is escaping payment by illegal means. This is obviously unlawful and is usually a criminal offence Tax evasion is when a person or a […]

  • Tax Avoidance

    Tax Avoidance Definition Tax avoidance may be defined as the act of reducing taxation, it is about getting round the law to minimice a tax impact of any operation. Through tax avoidance, a taxpayer takes advantage of all legal opportunities to reduce his or her tax liability. An […]

  • List of Legal Materials in the Encyclopedia of Law

    List of Legal Materials (Guides and Portals) Legal Materials (Guides and Portals) in the Encyclopedia of Law Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms Guide Administrative Law Catalogue of Aid Materials Alabama Legal Catalogue of Aid Materials Alaska Legal Catalogue of Aid Materials Alternative Dispute Resolution Legal Catalogue of Aid Materials U.S. Legal History Legal Catalogue of Aid…

  • List of Law Journals and Reviews

    List of Law Journals,Law Reviews and other Academic Journals List of Law Journals and Law Reviews by Topic Administrative Law Read more in the Law Journals and Law Reviews Portal about Administrative Law American University Administrative Law Review National Association of Administrative Law Judges Journal Yale Journal on Regulation ADR and Arbitration Read more in…

  • List of Legal Abbreviations in Italian

    List of Legal Abbreviations in Italian Lists of Abbreviations for Legal Materials: A.A.S. Acta Apostolicae Sedis A.C.reg.sic. Alta Corte per la regione siciliana A.F. Amministrazione finanziaria A.P. Camera Atti parlamentari. Camera dei Deputati A.P. Senato Atti parlamentari. Senato della Repubblica A.P.Cam. Atti parlamentari della Camera dei deputati A.P.Sen. Atti parlamentari del Senato della Repubblica A.S.S.…

  • List of U.S. Federal Court Reports

    List of U.S. Federal Court Reports , with Abbreviations This list identifies some of the major reports of judicial U.S. (federal) decisions and their abbreviations. This list does not include courts that no longer exist and some specialized courts. It is divided by U. S. Court: Supreme Court United States Reports (U.S.) Supreme Court reporter…

  • Legal Abbreviations, Historical

    Legal Abbreviations, Historical information Introduction A shortened form of words obtained by the omission of one or more syllables from the middle or end of the words, according to the Bouvier’s Law Dictionary. As almost every word in the language may be abbreviated, the number may be made very large. The broadest rule which has…

  • Law Journals Abbreviations and Acronyms

    Law Journals Abbreviations and Acronyms This is a list of abbreviations and corresponding titles for law reviews and journals. The list may be not comprehensive,but it include many titles, not always american-based. Short list of Law Journals and other legal publications Abbreviations: Utah Reports (Utah USA) 1851-1974 U Balt Intell Prop LJ University of Baltimore…

  • Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms

    Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms The shortening of existing words is another mean of vocabulary expansion. As with many other military slang and colloquial expressions, many of the slang and colloquial abbreviations originated during war. There were several motives for introducing slang abbreviations but the main reason was to hide the real meaning and linguistic economy.…

  • Legal topics

    Academic Legal topics Law in general Comparative and uniform law Jurisprudence Legal Periodicals Bibliography Legal Monographic series Encyclopedias of Law Dictionaries of Law Words and phrases Legal Maxims Legal Quotations Legal Yearbooks Legal Directories Legal Research Legal composition and draftsmanship Legal Education Law societies International bar associations The legal profession Legal aid Legal assistance to…

  • Binding Ruling

    Binding Ruling Introduction A binding ruling is New Zealand Tax Authority’s interpretation of how a tax law applies to a particular arrangement. An arrangement (called “Schema”in Australia) is any agreement, contract, proposal, action, plan, course of action or course of conduct, promise or undertaking, whether express or implied and whether or not enforceable, or intended…

  • Freedom of Information Act

    Freedom of Information Act (to change) See Sunshine law (1966), law requiring that U.S. government agencies release their records to the public on request, unless the information sought falls into a category specifically exempted, such as national security, an individual’s right to privacy, or internal agency management. The act provides for court review of agency…

  • Court reporter

    Court reporter A Court reporter is a set of Law books in which the cumulative opinions of the courts of a state or federal government are published in a timely manner and in uniform format to facilitate reference. In law libraries, court reporters are cataloged by librarians as continuing resources, which means a publication in…

  • Commercial law

    Commercial law Introduction to Commercial Law Commercial Law, body of law that relates to commerce and business transactions. Commercial law includes the laws that pertain to sales; negotiable instruments, such as checks and promissory notes; carriage by land and sea; insurance; brokerage; […]