Search results for: “islamic development bank”

  • Islamic Development Bank

    A multinational development bank formed by Muslim countries to provide economic development assistance to member states, and to foster economic progress in Muslim communities in nonmember states. The financing practices of the bank are conducted in conformity with the principles and laws of Islam. T…

  • Islamic Law

    The Legal History of Islamic Law Law and Dogma Islamic law —ShariÂ’a— evolved over time in response to the Muslim communityÂ’s need for a legal system. The most important source of law was the traditions of the Prophet (sunna) as revealed in reports […]

  • Islamic Law

    The Legal History of Islamic Law Law and Dogma Islamic law —ShariÂ’a— evolved over time in response to the Muslim communityÂ’s need for a legal system. The most important source of law was the traditions of the Prophet (sunna) as revealed in reports […]

  • Assets of Foreign Central Banks

    Assets of Foreign Central Banks in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): On July 5, 2011, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit decided the case, NML Capital Ltd. v. Republic of Argentina, 652 […]

  • Assets of Foreign Central Banks

    Assets of Foreign Central Banks in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): On July 5, 2011, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit decided the case, NML Capital Ltd. v. Republic of Argentina, 652 […]

  • Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (isis)

    Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (isis) in 2016 aka al-Qa'ida in Iraq; al-Qa'ida Group of Jihad in Iraq; al-Qa'ida Group of Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers; al-Qa'ida in Mesopotamia; al-Qa'ida in the Land of the Two Rivers; al-Qa'ida of Jihad in Iraq; al-Qa'ida […]

  • Islamic Law Contents

    Islamic Law Contents Islamic law derives from the Koran (Q’uran) and from the Sunnah and hadith: the writings of prophets and scholars, mostly until the fall of Baghdad in 13th Century. Islamic law: God’s law or men’s law? Understanding Islamic law from a legal pluralist perspective The Qur’anic base and its application The Prophet’s roles:…

  • Development International Law – Part 8

    Development International Law – Part 8   73 International Development Cooperation within the Context of Economic Siyar (Islamic International Economic Law) : An Overview Rohimi B Shapiee Journal of Islamic State Practices in International Law Volume 3, Issue 3, 2007 p.7-21 LAW JOURNAL / LAW REVIEW 74 In Afghanistan and Iraq: Strengthening the Rule of…

  • MPEPIL: Regional organizations, institutions and developments

    MPEPIL: Regional organizations, institutions and developments   Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) list of articles of this subject. List of articles pertaining to this subject: Regional organizations, institutions and developments: 1. Acquis communautaire, Hilf, Meinhard 2. African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (1981), Ouguergouz, Fatsah 3. African Commission on Human and…

  • Multi-Governmental Organizations

    Multi-Governmental Organizations Multi-Governmental Organizations Operating in more than one Continent: Web Resources Multi-Governmental Organizations dealing with more than one continent include: United Nations (UN) detailed overwiew of the United Nations system Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  International Energy Agency (IEA) Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) OECD Washington Centre OECD Tokyo…

  • Multi-Governmental Organizations

    Multi-Governmental Organizations Multi-Governmental Organizations Operating in more than one Continent: Web Resources Multi-Governmental Organizations dealing with more than one continent include: United Nations (UN) detailed overwiew of the United Nations system Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  International Energy Agency (IEA) Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) OECD Washington Centre OECD Tokyo…

  • Other Holders

    Institutions other than central banks, national treasuries, and the International Monetary Fund itself that are approved by the IMF to hold Special Drawing Rights (read this and related legal terms for further details). …

  • List of International Organizations

    List of International Organizations in the world Afghanistan •United Nations, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Albania •United Nations, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Algeria •United Nations, Alger, Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (United Nations Development Programme) Argentina •Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (Inter-American Development Bank), Buenos Aires, Instituto para la Integración de América Latina…

  • Judicial Review

    Introduction The U.S. case Marbury v. Madison (1803) held that the power of a court to decide what is the meaning of the American Constitution was implicit in an independent judiciary. This power of judicial review in the U.S. was a unique feature of the U.S. constitutionalism well into the […]

  • International Arbitration

    International arbitration is the settlement by a mutually acceptable third party of disputes between sovereign states. Modern international arbitration began with the conclusion of Jay's Treaty (1794) by Great Britain and the United States. Numerous disputes were arbitrated during the 19th […]